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  • straw bale building course
  • Straw-bale building course

    1. Introduction (pdf)

    2. Introduction (video)

    3. Choosing bales and simple design (pdf)

    4. Choosing bales (video)

    5. Tools and carrying (video)

    6. Customising and dressing bales (pdf)

    7. Dressing bales (video)

    8. Customising bales (video)

    9. Splitting bales without needles (video)

    10. Foundations (pdf)

    11. Foundations (video)

    12. Loadbearing, infill and hybrid methods (pdf)

    13. Loadbearing and infill (video)

    14. Raising the walls and pinning (pdf)

    15. Base plate (video)

    16. Fitting base bales (video)

    17. Fitting wall bales (video)

    18. Wall plate (video)

    19. Compression of straw-bale walls (pdf)

    20. Windows and doors (pdf)

    21. Roofing (pdf)

    22. Windows, doors and roofs (video)

    23. Fixtures, fittings and services (pdf)

    24. Plastering straw-bale buildings (pdf)

    25. Plastering straw-bales (video)

    26. Some finished buildings (video)

    Any questions?

    Questions about straw-bale building: you can post queries at the bottom of our straw-bale building topic page.

    Questions / problems about the course: contact us.

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