About us

Lowimpact.org is a network of organisations and individuals, providing information, opinion, advice and signposting on 250+ self-provisioning and commons topics. Low-impact living means obtaining the essentials of life ourselves – individually (self-provisioning) and together (commons), using fewer resources and with less waste.

The problem

Corporations and banks suck wealth from all over the world and concentrate it, which destroys democracy and community, and forces growth forever, which destroys nature. We need to decentralise power away from corporations – but not by using force (they’re too strong), or protesting (they don’t care) or voting (all electable parties are pro-corporate).

Our response

We can cut off the source of corporate wealth and power, lay the foundations for a new system and strengthen communities – especially working-class communities (the vast majority of the world, usually missed by ‘alternative’ movements), by:

  1. providing things for ourselves in communities.
  2. building the commons economy, to bring affordability and jobs.
  3. building a credit commons as an alternative to the banking system. 
  4. building a governance commons to support the commons economy.

Resilience and scale

These tools and skills will be essential in any collapse scenario (you can decide how likely you think that is). But we’re not talking ‘self-sufficiency’, or ‘prepping’. Small-scale food production, renewable energy, composting (including compost toilets), repairs and DIY, foraging etc. all work well at the household scale, but some tools and skills are more appropriate at the community scale. Household pottery kilns, blacksmithing forges, breadmaking or beer brewing don’t really make economic or environmental sense. It’s more appropriate to produce those things for community consumption, via self-employment, co-ops and the commons.

What we do

We work with a network of specialists to provide a knowledge bank on self-provisioning and the commons. Browse our 250+ topics for introductory information, articles, opinion, interviews, advice and sources of more information.

We’re part of a network in Stroud, Liverpool and London, building commons infrastructure in all sectors, and we’re talking with people in other towns and countries about ‘replicating and federating’ successful commons projects.

Get involved

  • Browse our bank of topics, see what might work for you, and give it a go.
  • If you live in or near Stroud, contact us about being a commons customer, investor or volunteer.
  • Anywhere else, contact us to talk about launching a commons group in your community.
  • Comment on the blog, or send us an article.
  • Contact us if you’d like to volunteer for Lowimpact.org or our commons partners.
  • Spread the word.

Here’s our story so far and our theory of change.