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  • spinning course
  • Spinning course

    1. Meet your tutor (pdf)

    2. Meet your tutor (video)

    3. Introduction (pdf)

    4. Introduction to spinning (video)

    5. Fibre (pdf)

    6. Pre-drafting (video)

    7. Spindles (pdf)

    8. Spindles (video)

    9. How to spin on a high top spindle (pdf)

    10. How to twirl the spindle (video)

    11. How to spin on a spindle (video)

    12. Joining the yarn on a spindle (video)

    13. How to thigh-roll and kick the spindle (video)

    14. How to ply the yarn on a spindle (video)

    15. Spinning wheels (pdf)

    16. Spinning wheels (video)

    17. Sourcing a spinning wheel (pdf)

    18. How to spin on a spinning wheel (pdf)

    19. How to treadle the spinning wheel (video)

    20. How to oil the spinning wheel (video)

    21. Understanding the Scotch tension (video)

    22. Let’s start spinning (video)

    23. How to ply on a spinning wheel (pdf)

    24. How to ply yarn on a spinning wheel (video)

    25. Using a niddy noddy and washing the yarn (pdf)

    26. How to hank the yarn on a niddy noddy (video)

    27. How to correct an underplyed yarn (video)

    28. How to sort and wash fleece (pdf)

    29. How to sort a fleece (video)

    30. How to wash a fleece (video)

    31. How to card fibre (pdf)

    32. Carding (video)

    33. Further resources (pdf)

    34. Resources (video)

    Any questions?

    Questions about spinning: you can post queries at the bottom of our spinning topic page.

    Questions / problems about the course: contact us.

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