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  • Posted June 26th, 2012

    The Woolhope Woodheat Project

    The Woolhope Woodheat Project

    You might like to have a look at our project which covers a load of bases – reducing carbon emissions, protecting neglected woodland, creating employment in woodland management, providing greener heat for hard-to-heat buildings.

    We’ve got a share offer currently under way for anyone who wants to join the co-op, with decent rates of return on money invested.

    Burning wood is definitely not the best answer all the time – but if done right, it is an important part of the renewable energy mix for the future.

    Woolhope Woodheat is a Community Co-operative, who install wood fuel boilers free of charge to hard-to heat buildings – and then supply heat at a reduced price over fossil fuel, with woodchip from local, sustainable woodlands. You can join our co-operative and get a decent return on your investment while doing something real to reduce carbon emissions and save neglected woodland from decay.

    Check out our short film and download our share offer document to find out more

    And go to our website to contact us and join the co-op.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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