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  • wood durability guide
  • Posted August 23rd, 2018

    Wood durability guide: timber durability chart & database

    Wood durability guide: timber durability chart & database

    Our woodworker friends at Gate Expectations have put together this great chart of timber durability for anyone working with wood (1 is most durable and 5 is least). Over to Rob from here.

    We’ve put together some resources about timber durability to help you choose the best timber for your gate, garage door, or whatever you’re looking to make.

    The Timber Durability Database is a table of durability grades/ratings by wood type, with images to match. It contains 5 classes of timber, with each class determining how long each timber listed will last – these are all to BS EN 350-2:1994 and cover the durability of wood and wood-based products, the natural durability of solid wood and a guide to natural durability and treatability of selected wood species of importance in Europe.


    *Douglas Fir is listed as both a Class 2 and Class 3 timber, UK grown Douglas Fir is Class 4
    *European Larch also listed as both Class 2 and Class 3 timber, UK grown European Larch is Class 4
    *Siberian Larch is in both Class 2 and 3, Siberian grown Larch being Class 3
    *UK grown Western Red Cedar is in both Classes 3 & 2. Class 3 Western Red Cedar is UK grown, Class 2 from America and Canada
    *Massaranduba is listed as both Class 1 & 2 as durability can vary
    *Kebony is listed as both Class 1 & 2 as durability can vary


    Image Credits

    Images are via these organisations and helpful people:
    Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, Imgur
    Kebony SYP
    SBT Design
    Jon Linney

    If you can see a picture of the tree from our logo instead of the timber, we’re still looking for an image for this timber! If you have a picture you’d like us to use then we’ll credit you – contact us via email at [email protected]. You can also find further resources here on our website.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's

    1 Comment

    • 1Mike Eaton August 23rd, 2018

      Absolutly brilliant, it goes much further than most such tables. It must have taken a lot of hard work by all concerned to compile such an extensive table. Many thanks to all of you!

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