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  • wild beauty finds in your garden
  • Posted August 31st, 2022

    Some unusual finds in your garden

    Some unusual finds in your garden

    This week we take a look at the beauty superhero finds in your garden. Finds that you may have overlooked – or forgotten about – or simply not considered before! From daisies to rosemary (and even snail slime!) this very helpful video from Di at Wild Harvest has some fantastic tips to provide inspiration and ideas.

    Looking for those unusual finds in your garden to support your skin

    We look at what can be found in the garden. Plants that can increase and reduce melanin; plants to replace expensive AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). Plants that can support as skin products – such as apples, grapes, rhubarb, milk, wine, citrus and more; grass as a skin smoother and finally snail gel and new zealand flax as local aloe vera substitutes.

    If you are curious and want to see the full version of Wild Beauty Online click here: wildharvest.org/sales-page-for-wild-beauty#

    images of finds in your garden ti support skincare

    Has this inspired you to find out more?

    We have lots of information on the site: you can find out more in our natural skincare topic and learn more about herbal medicine in our online course here. And if it is foraging you want to know more about read all about our September foraging ideas here.

    Have you tried any of Di’s ideas? Or do you have your own garden plants that you use for your skincare and beauty regime?

    Do comment with any superhero plants you can find in your garden and how you have used them; we always love to hear from you.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's

    1 Comment

    • 1Monika leaman August 11th, 2023

      I found the talk very interesting

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