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  • Posted April 26th, 2023
    What is WikiHouse?

    We appreciate that many of you might be new to the concept of WikiHouse, so wanted to explain a bit more about what it is, how it works and what you can use it for.

    Granted we are big fans and hope you will be too!

    Where did it all begin?

    WikiHouse was created by visionary architect Alastair Parvin in 2011, the construction method is a modular, zero-carbon building system that makes it simple for anyone to design, manufacture and assemble beautiful, high-performance homes and buildings, without traditional construction skills.

    In his inspiring 2013 TED Talk, Alastair explains the concept at the heart of this technology, an open source construction kit that means just about anyone can build a house, anywhere.

    Check out more about Wikihouse here -> https://www.wikihouse.cc/product

    “Architecture for the people, by the people”

    Since 2011, it has grown in popularity, with a huge variety of buildings designed, manufactured and built all over the world! Check out their Projects for info on previous projects to see what is possible with WikiHouse!

    How does it work?

    How does wikihouse work?

    The innovative Wikihouse construction method begins by using a CNC machine to efficiently cut ply into specifically designed components, these combine to form structural blocks.

    These blocks can be assembled by hand and easily lifted into place, where they interlock with each other to rapidly form the floor, wall and roof sections of the building superstructure.

    What can you build?

    WikiHouse is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of uses. Below is a table that explains the different applications:

    We offer a range of pre-designed spaces and homes from office pods right up to large 3 bedroom 2 storey homes. WikiHouse has loads of advantages – you can read more about them in this blog.

    Check our product page for more information and get in touch with our team to discuss your project. We can also design bespoke buildings for specific projects in collaboration with our lovely architect friends at Architecture Unknown

    If you have a project in mind, we’d love to chat to you – contact us to set up a quick call.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Simon Carter April 27th, 2023

      Is there a micro-factory in the South West/Midlands? I just spoke to Nicola, but her company only really services the north. If not, how do we set one up? It would seem to be an integral component of a commons-based economy.

    • 2Mel April 28th, 2023

      Hey Simon- if you see this please send us an email at [email protected] - also check out the WikiHouse community https://community.wikihouse.cc

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