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  • ways forward co operative conference is back manchester oct 20 21
  • Posted October 16th, 2022

    Ways Forward co-operative conference is back: Manchester, Oct 20-21

    Ways Forward co-operative conference is back: Manchester, Oct 20-21

    Many of you will be familiar with the Cooperative Ways Forward series of conferences. Initially developed by Co-operative Business Consultants (which no longer trades; in 2019 Platform6.coop stepped in and ran the 7th Ways Forward event). The pandemic then took hold and we’ve not run the event since. Until now, that is.

    This year the conference – an in-person event – focuses on how we can work together to address the climate emergency. There are plenty of effective solutions out there, and the conference will highlight lots of them, from retrofit.coop to Energy 4 All, to food and farming, taking on board issues like how we address anti-racism and disability, and how we can scale out cooperative solutions into the mainstream and have real impact.

    The conference has always been a great space for people working in and around cooperative development to get together, and we hope that many of you will come along.

    The programme remains under active development, and will include contributions from Molly Scott Cato (Professor of Green Economics and former Green MEP), Chris Saltmarsh (author of ‘Burnt: Fighting for Climate Justice’ and cofounder of Labour for a Green New Deal), Jonathan Atkinson (co-founder of carbon.coop and director or People Powered Retrofit), and many more. Also our own Kate Whittle will be there to present the work she’s been doing on anti-racism.

    If you’ve got a contribution to make that is aligned with our conference theme do get in touch, and we’ll try to fit you into the programme. Most importantly, please try to get along to the conference. You can register at https://waysforward.coop with tickets priced to suit all budgets.

    We’re dovetailing with the Manchester event being organised by the new worker co-op federation, and John Atherton will also be talking at the conference about the role of worker-ownership in building inclusive green economies.

    And on the Thursday evening we’re holding an informal ‘cabaret’ with Deacon Martin (who maybe know to some here), that will enable you to participate and ‘do a turn’. A hoot.

    The conference is sponsored by Co-operative and Community Finance, Anthony Collins Solicitors, North West Housing Services, Midcounties Cooperative, Cooperatives UK, Central England Cooperative, Students for Cooperation, New Economy Law, and is supported by Loughborough University.

    It’s an essential event for everyone who’s been through, or is currently going through the Barefoot co-op development programme.

    We really hope that you’ll come along, and support the event. If you can’t make it for both days that’s fine.


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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