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  • tribute to my friend martin who died yesterday
  • Posted April 10th, 2015

    Tribute to my friend Martin, who died yesterday

    Tribute to my friend Martin, who died yesterday

    My friend Martin died yesterday. I drink at his bar – the Little Bar – and dance. I danced with my partner there many times. He put music on, people danced – and sat and talked. Everyone talked to each other. He sold beer made in a brewery on an industrial estate up the road – and Tooting cocktails. He played music and showed films. Rick from the restaurant over the road brings in free plates of bread and olives for the customers. There are not many bars like it.

    I’ve been in lots of bars and restaurants. I’ve never had conversations with bar or restaurant owners like the ones I’ve had with him. He’s a true leveller, an anarchist. He was deeply sad at the direction humanity is taking. A little bit in everyone who knew him died as well.

    Goodbye Martin – really good knowing you

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1AnnieV April 10th, 2015

      This is so sad. He sounds like a lovely human being. Every time we lose one, the world is diminished.

    • 2Paul Jennings April 19th, 2015

      A moving tribute, Dave. My condolences to everyone who knew him. I wish I had.

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