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  • temple druid community looking new members volunteers
  • Posted May 14th, 2016

    Temple Druid Community are looking for new members and volunteers; opportunity for self-build

    Temple Druid Community are looking for new members and volunteers; opportunity for self-build

    Temple Druid Community is set in 56 acres of woodland, pasture, steams and meadows in North Pembrokeshire. We are looking for members to join us in creating a community based on the foundations of compassion and respect for nature, ourselves and others and a strong wish to tread gently on the earth. We imagine that our community will eventually consist of 8-10 permanent households – families, couples or individuals – as well as having room for people who want to rent and or volunteer.

    Woodland path at Temple Druid Community

    During this first stage we are looking for new members with capital to contribute to the significant pot of money we already have had to invest in the community and to pay off the outstanding loans we have taken to purchase the property. If you are interested – have a look around our website to find our more about who we are, our progress and our dream.

    We would like to invite potential new community members the opportunity to visit Temple Druid and meet the community. There will be a tour of the grounds, a question and answer session and time for a shared vegetarian lunch with us, as well as opportunity to work on the land.


    The main house at Temple Druid offers a number of potential living spaces for members and volunteers to live on site.

    We welcome interested folk to come along to one of our New Member Days to visit and meet the community. 

    The overall plan is for the majority of the land to be a shared resource and for each household to build their own ecobuild on the land. While this is still in the discussion stage we anticipate that each household will have the same size parcel of land – say ½ acre – on which to build their property and have private space to use as they wish.  Households may chose to live off grid or closer together to share amenities. The property also has 2 large barns that could potentially be converted into living spaces. We aim to accommodate each households’ wishes if possible.  Some thought has been given to applying for the One Planet Development Policy as a community.


    Our New Member days are incorporated into our volunteer weekends, so you can see us in action!

    The next dates are Saturday- May 28th, June 25th, July 30th, September 17th, October 22nd

    Please book your visit by emailing –  [email protected]


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1pol o floinn May 14th, 2016

      Wishing you all the best with this community. Do you have a solid contract available for viewing by interested parties?

    • 2Mahrukh May 15th, 2016

      Hi there

      I’m Pakistani with great intentions of serving humanity no matter what the religion they belong. Can I join?

    • 3Jon Maine May 15th, 2016

      I have great experience of traditional buildings and materials, I have worked on many listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments. A lot of traditional skills are just common sense and a tactual approach with the correct materials I have found works. Currently I own 2 old properties one of which is a grade 2* former merchants house which I rescued from the at risk register as it was derelict. Should you feel that this type of experience would help you forward the infrastructure of the buildings I may be able to assist if the ethos of the project sits comfortably with me. At the very least if it were useful I would be happy to come and visit and give an appraisal of what I see and an idea of how you can proceed with those aspects of your project. I have included details of my website which has not been updated for a long time but should give an idea of what I can do or advise others to achieve.

    • 4maj ikle May 15th, 2016

      Have you got planning consent?

    • 5spacemao May 16th, 2016

      It’s a shame that so early on you are having to seek members based on the value in their wallet rather than the value of their character – but I understand the necessity of this. Reply if you need anyone to build any geodesic domes.

    • 6martin johnstone May 16th, 2016

      So glad you started upfront with the money required information – that’s heartening. I’m not available just now but I really wish you well. Martin, outer hebrides.

    • 7Dave Darby May 16th, 2016

      They do say on their website that they’re aiming to be a community that people can join without capital (which isn’t true of all communities), but I suppose that’s difficult at first as the place needs to be bought and set up. I guess they’ll turn the initial loanstock into a mortgage and everyone will then pay rent.

    • 8Steph Wardle May 16th, 2016

      This is exactly what we have been looking for- we are a family of three – our son is 5 years old. We would be grateful if you could give an idea of what sort of capital would be acceptable, as we do have a small amount we could contribute- no idea what would be suitable though. We are currently in Bristol; my partner is a carpenter and designer and I do gardening/allotment work and work with babies and young children. We would be looking to live off grid and be able to grow our own food, for the most part, and keep animals. But a community would be ideal so our child would have others to play with. Thanks so much for this amazing opportunity!

    • 9David Adelman May 16th, 2016

      I am a lawful rights advocate (amongst other things). Have you not considered drawing up a PROMISSORY NOTE – a valid form of payment under the BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1882 and which is now recommended to discharge obligations under mortgage or loan agreements with banks? This would release the community from its heaviest burden and open out recruitment

    • 10Jules May 16th, 2016

      All those wishing to join our group as full members would become a director of the company as a whole with full voting rights and equal status.

    • 11Jules May 16th, 2016

      We are hoping to utilise the ‘one planet’ planning policy and are working on this and other plans as I type!

    • 12Jules May 16th, 2016

      We welcome interest from all and have a robust and clear process for visiting and volunteering. I have emailed you those details and anyone can request to join our volunteer/new member weekends – check out the website or email me for details!

    • 13Jules May 16th, 2016

      Thanks Jon, Ive passed on your details ?

    • 14Jules May 16th, 2016

      Yes, money is indeed an issue! We are hopeful that in the first phase we can pay off all loans and focus our energy and finances on developing eco / low impact ways of living. Once we are secure in this, we can begin to think about other ways people might be able to share this amazing space.

    • 15Jules May 16th, 2016

      Hi Steph, I have emailed you with details ? Jules

    • 16Gareth Emlyn Griffiths May 17th, 2016

      if I was ever in a position to offer any money I would be more than happy to do so…Good luck with this fascinating venture.

    • 17Jules May 17th, 2016

      Thanks David, Ill pass the info along ?

    • 18heartofnaturestudio May 17th, 2016

      Sounds wonderful,i wish you all well in your venture.This is something i can only dream of being a part of having no capital,but i’m hopeful the Universe shall one day provide at the right time.Blessings,Fiona

    • 19Matt May 18th, 2016

      Sounds good. Will try to make it 28 May

    • 20Andy May 19th, 2016

      Hi there,

      Where are you based, I’m in Cardigan next week and would be interested to pop along and have a look round?

      I will be in the area till Wednesday night.

      What level of contribution are you looking for?


    • 21Lyz Le Fay May 19th, 2016

      I am still really interested to come down and volunteer for work that needs doing, building, decorating, gardening….if you need a mural done…? I can put my hand to a variety of things. Xxx

    • 22Jules May 20th, 2016

      Hi Andy, the volunteer weekend is the last weekend in May. I will email you info – in the mean time take a look at the website for information about finances etc ? http://www.templedruid.org

    • 23Jules May 20th, 2016

      Thanks Lyz, Ive emailed you! ?

    • 24julia rous June 24th, 2016

      This is something that I would be very interested in hearing more about. I am a single Mother with two small boys. I am keen to build my own home and have some experience with rammed earth. I am also a steiner teacher and could offer my skills. I will try to get to the next open day, but please send me info about how to join?

    • 25victoria November 1st, 2016

      Also interested but live in East Anglia, and currently would prefer to stay in this region if an opportunity is there in the future.

    • 26Jules November 2nd, 2016

      Hi Victoria, I come from Essex and love it there too. However this is our only project and it is in Pembrokeshire! I hope you find something wonderful in East Anglia! Jules

    • 27Sam Austin January 3rd, 2017

      Hi, Are those dates for 2017 or have I missed out? Thanks Sam

    • 28Dave Darby January 3rd, 2017

      2016, but you never know – drop them a line.

    • 29Terry Payne January 3rd, 2017

      Hi all,

      I follow a Druidic path and have been in construction for 25 years, ground work , bricklaying and crane operator.

      I am very interested in your development.

      Please contact me to discuss investment.

    • 30Jules January 5th, 2017

      Hi Sam, the 2017 dates are on our website as of yesterday I think! Take a look at


      One of the dates needs amending and the July volunteer weekend is 21st – 23rd.

      In addition we will have the following visitor Sessions:

      We will be holding 6 visitor sessions in 2017. These sessions are roughly 3 hours long and will include;

      A welcome briefing of the history of Temple Druid from the Bronze Age to date

      A tour of the downstairs of the John Nash designed House and Barns

      A guided walk through some of the gardens and land at Temple Druid

      A brief outline of the current communities aims, objectives and projects

      A cup of something warm or cold

      These sessions would suit those who want to take a peek the history of the house and land, meet some of those who currently live and work here, and find out more about the regeneration of the house and associated projects. We are suggesting a donation of £10 per adult for this tour and tea J We are open to groups (such as schools or historical societies) contacting us in advance to make group bookings.

      Dates are: 9th Feb, 14th April, 16th June, 16th June, 1 Aug, 9th Nov,

      all 10 – 1pm

      Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you would like to attend.

      Bright Blessings


    • 31Jules January 5th, 2017

      Hi Terry,

      We did not name Temple Druid, although it is a great name right! It was named in 1795, by the person who had the house built. It is not necessary to be of a particular faith to join our community.

      We have some opportunities to come and take a look and help out. Check out http://www.templedruid.org/live-volunteer-here/volunteer-here/

      One of the dates needs amending and the July volunteer weekend is 21st – 23rd.

      In addition we will have the following visitor Sessions:

      We will be holding 6 visitor sessions in 2017. These sessions are roughly 3 hours long and will include;

      A welcome briefing of the history of Temple Druid from the Bronze Age to date

      A tour of the downstairs of the John Nash designed House and Barns

      A guided walk through some of the gardens and land at Temple Druid

      A brief outline of the current communities aims, objectives and projects

      A cup of something warm or cold

      These sessions would suit those who want to take a peek the history of the house and land, meet some of those who currently live and work here, and find out more about the regeneration of the house and associated projects. We are suggesting a donation of £10 per adult for this tour and tea J We are open to groups (such as schools or historical societies) contacting us in advance to make group bookings.

      Dates are: 9th Feb, 14th April, 16th June, 16th June, 1 Aug, 9th Nov,

      all 10 – 1pm

      Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you would like to attend.

      Bright Blessings


    • 32Mark Jackson January 28th, 2018

      Hello! I see that this dates from May 2016. Are you still looking to ´recruit´new members/investors? I am looking to maybe join an existing intentional community or to get together with like-minded people to form a new eco-community. This would be the fulfillment of a lifetime…..


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