
Six reasons the EU isn't as green as it claims

Six reasons the EU isn’t as green as it claims

Six reasons the EU isn't as green as it claims

Every year in June, the EU celebrates its annual ‘Green Week’, in which Europe’s environmental elite gather to congratulate each other on how green they are.

Read more about Six reasons the EU isn’t as green as it claims
economy or population

Where’s the problem – politics, economy or population?

economy or population

Below are some things that I believe, some that I don’t believe and some that I know. Do you believe similar things? If so, stay in touch. Alternatives are being built – change is coming. Nothing stays the same forever.

Read more about Where’s the problem – politics, economy or population?
“why don’t you start a political party?”

Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?”

“why don’t you start a political party?”

There’s a question we often hear: “why don’t you start a political party?” Sometimes this is genuine, and enthusiastic, but often it’s snarky, as in: “why don’t you stop sniping on the sidelines and put your ideas to the masses, who can vote for you if they like them? Then you can implement your proposals.

Read more about Our response to: “why don’t you start a political party?”
John Thackara on the future for humanity

John Thackara: What does the future hold for humanity?

John Thackara on the future for humanity

This is part 1 of a conversation with John Thackara – senior fellow of the Royal College of Art, visiting professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, founder and director of the Doors of Perception sustainable design conferences, and author of many books, including How to Thrive in the Next Economy.

Read more about John Thackara: What does the future hold for humanity?
Credit commons protocol

Join our presentation: the Credit Commons protocol – tech agnostic, low-friction transactions for all

Credit commons protocol

You’re invited to join our presentation on the ‘Credit Commons’ – a protocol to connect and unite mutual credit groups globally – on Friday 4 June from 4-5.30pm. Sign up here.

Read more about Join our presentation: the Credit Commons protocol – tech agnostic, low-friction transactions for all

‘Mutualism’ will supersede traditional left vs right politics

Nature, democracy and community aren’t partisan issues. No-one sensible, of any political persuasion, speaks out against them. They’re essential for human well-being. But they’re being destroyed, and disunity wastes energy and prevents us from being able to do anything about it.

Read more about ‘Mutualism’ will supersede traditional left vs right politics
The Future of Money Brett Scott Part 2

The Future of Money (Part 2): with Brett Scott

The Future of Money Brett Scott Part 2

This is part 2 of a conversation with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Part 1 is here.

Read more about The Future of Money (Part 2): with Brett Scott
The future of money (Part 1) with Brett Scott

The Future of Money (Part 1): with Brett Scott

The future of money (Part 1) with Brett Scott

Today I’m talking with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well.

Read more about The Future of Money (Part 1): with Brett Scott