
heat pump outside a house

Badly performing heat pumps?

heat pump outside a house

John Cantor from HeatPumps.co.uk asks the question: Are some heat pumps performing as badly as various recent stories have been reporting?

Read more about Badly performing heat pumps?

Heating old buildings with heat pumps

It looks as though heat pumps are going to provide a lot more of our heating in the future – although there has been some controversy about how well they work in old buildings. Heat pump specialist John Cantor answers some of those concerns.

Read more about Heating old buildings with heat pumps

Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump

We cover ground-source heat pumps more than air-source heat pumps in our topic introduction, so here’s some additional information about air-source heat pumps from our advisor John Cantor:

Read more about Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump