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  • Posted January 15th, 2020

    11 days left to support a collaborative new online ethical lifestyle toolkit

    11 days left to support a collaborative new online ethical lifestyle toolkit

    We hear from our friends at the Permaculture Association about a new ethical lifestyle toolkit in the making alongside Ethical Consumer, and how you can help make it a reality by supporting their Crowdfunder campaign ahead of 26 January. We’re particularly excited about this one! It’s over to Jemma to tell us more…

    What is the Ethical Lifestyle Toolkit?

    There are so many positive steps we can take in what we buy (or don’t buy), organise our communities and do our work. The toolkit will make this information accessible and overcome the difficulty of identifying what the most meaningful and realistic actions are. You will get personalised options to help you find the choices that will have the greatest positive impact. You will be able to track the positive effects of the changes you make.

    The blended training offers another route into permaculture and, developed in partnership with Ethical Consumer, will explore the impact our day-to-day choices have; identify meaningful changes we can all make; and help you understand how you can empower this shift so that we can have a more positive impact on the planet and its human and animal communities.

    It’s getting ever more exciting: we’ll have a prototype to share with people within 2020 and interest is growing from various partners. With just 11 days left – January 26th is the deadline – we’ve raised £18,300 so far thanks to 372 supporters.

    Will you help us to get to 100%?

    Who is developing the Ethical Lifestyle Toolkit?

    Ethical Consumer, Permaculture Association (Britain) and the International Permaculture Education Network are pooling our knowledge and experience to develop the toolkit. We have input from many different networks, organisations and individuals, including over 300 crowdfunder supporters so far.

    Ethical Consumer

    Ethical Consumer has offered information on corporate abuses and consumer action for over 30 years. We provide the tools for positive personal, consumer choice. We’ve developed the world’s most sophisticated and simple to use personal ethical rating system to give you the information you need, based on detailed research of over 40,000 companies, brands and products. We also have long-running experience of working with other organisations and businesses on building social movements and campaigns.

    Permaculture Association

    Permaculture inspired thinking and action can help us to respond well to the huge challenges facing humanity. The Permaculture Association (Britain) are building a network of systems thinkers with the power to create healthy cultures and ecosystems. Whether you are involved in gardening, farming, planning, building homes, economic regeneration, or business, using permaculture design empowers you to make the right choices for a sustainable future.

    The International Permaculture Education Network (IPEN) is working to enhance and accelerate the development of permaculture education worldwide. IPEN is part of the Permaculture Association.

    We hope to build the partnership going forward so please get in touch if you’d like to be involved.

    Our planned spending

    Your support will assist with the project’s first steps. It will allow us to:

    • Create, test and evaluate the tools and training resources for an introduction to ethical living – the first ‘module’ in the toolkit;
    • Work with developers to create a spec for our full online platform and toolkit;
    • Build our partnerships with individuals, businesses and communities and ensure that we make the most of our shared knowledge;
    • Build on our diversity strategy and engagement with a diversity of communities and those from lower-income groups;
    • Establish an even stronger evidence base for our work and use this to apply for the full funding needed!

    Crowdfunding will kick-start our project. It will allow us to gain full funding to complete the work by ensuring that we have something exciting to show to funders. It is the start of an exciting and ambitious project with lots of stages: if we beat our target, any extra money raised will go to the next development phase.

    For full details of the project and to support the crowdfunding campaign ahead of the closing date of 26th January, please head here.

    Permaculture AssociationAbout the author

    The Permaculture Association is working to radically and positively change the way we live in the UK and actively supports a worldwide movement. We’re helping educate, network, support and redesign all aspects of our daily lives to transform ourselves, our communities and our landscapes.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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