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  • Posted January 25th, 2017

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact.org team

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact.org team

    We’re looking for a somebody to work with us – from home, part-time, to market our activities and our publications to more people.

    The person we’re looking for

    You’ll share our values (and it shouldn’t be too difficult to work out what those values are).

    You’ll have very good written and spoken English, and excellent IT skills.

    After that, you’ll have experience, understanding and interest in:

    • marketing generally, but especially…
    • social media marketing
    • SEO
    • book marketing

    The work

    You’ll need to use a variety of tools available in social media platforms to reach people at different levels of understanding – from zero knowledge of what’s happening to ecology to those already involved in activities to protect the environment and bring about social change. You’ll be trying to engage with people to read our information, follow us, share posts, comment, and in some cases, forge closer alliances.

    You’ll educate us in ways to increase visitors to our website. We think that this will be mainly via social media, but SEO could play an important role too.

    You’ll help revive our newsletter, then compile it and send it out monthly; and, importantly, you’ll be working on promoting sales of our publications, which will involve liaising with magazines, websites, bookshops and agents. More details will be sent to the five who get through the first stage.

    On the plus side, if you share our values, you’ll be doing something worthwhile – helping people think more and engage more in activities that can help mitigate the damage that the human economy is inflicting on nature. Plus, there are no start or finish times – you’ll have complete autonomy in what you do and when you work. If it works well, there will be more work in future if you want it.

    On the minus side, the money’s not brilliant (£12.50 per hour), but pro-rata, that’s pretty close to the median UK income, and as a bona fide eco-warrior, you won’t have any expensive habits to maintain.

    We’ll start at 20 hours per month (£250) and review after 6 months.

    How to apply

    Send an email to dave at lowimpact.org letting us know why you’re the person for the job (less than 400-ish words please). Attach a CV and include evidence of the efficacy of using your knowledge – i.e. results, not just knowledge.

    Deadline for applications is Friday, Feb 3.


    We’ll narrow it down to five, and send you more details about what the work will involve.

    If you’re still interested, you’ll then have a Skype interview with our friend Oliver Swann of NaturalHomes.org. He’s a social media specialist, and he’ll be able to talk with you about social media marketing in much more depth than we can (which is, of course, why we’re looking for a marketing person in the first place).

    After consulting with Oliver, we’ll make the final decision and let you know by the end of February, ready to start in March.

    Please share with people you think might be interested.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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