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  • Posted May 25th, 2017

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact.org team

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact.org team

    We are offering a little part-time job. It’s only around 10 hours per month, so it could fit in nicely with what you’re doing already. It involves looking after a category on the Lowimpact.org site, and keeping everything updated.

    What’s a category?

    Categories are here. Click on a category to get to the topics. So ‘Building & retrofitting’ is a category, and if you click on it, ‘cob building’, for example, is a topic.

    What does the job involve?

    It involves updating one topic per month. You choose the category you’re most interested in (except for Gardening, growing & smallholding and Society, work & money, which are taken). You’ll go through each topic in the category, updating one topic per month. That involves:

    • reading through the intro to see if anything has changed / needs to be added, and changing it (including adding new images and videos etc.)
    • checking the books page, removing unobtainable books and adding new ones
    • producing an interesting blog article per month on a topic in your category; you can write it yourself, as an opinion, news or information piece, you can interview someone or you can re-blog
    • checking the links, magazines, further information and any other resources on the topic, fixing broken links, adding new links, magazines, information etc.
    • plus ad hoc stuff – adding new books, links etc. in any topic in your category, as and when you find them, talking with people who might become more involved etc.

    The successful applicant will get more detailed directions.

    Show me the money

    £125 for around 10 hours work. Doesn’t matter when you do it, and there are no timesheets. We just want the topics to be a bank of useful, updated information. You’ll invoice us monthly.

    Who we’re looking for

    Someone who can research and write well, and has an interest in and knowledge of the category they choose. Someone who will report on any new developments in their category, and someone who would like to help erode corporate power.

    How to apply

    We’re not holding interviews. The job is about writing, so we’d like to see an example of your writing. We have 200+ topics on the site, and about 40 of them don’t have a topic introduction (see below). Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to find a topic that interests you, that doesn’t have a topic introduction (see below), and write one. Every topic introduction follows a standard format that we’d like you to follow, and is around 1500 words, give or take a couple of hundred. Don’t worry about images or videos, or the pdf version. Original work only – no copying and pasting.

    The job is also about initiative, and we don’t have time to answer queries about particular topics, or about the standard format. When you’ve written it, send it to dave at lowimpact.org with a cv (or if you don’t have a cv, some spiel about how great you are). The best intro will get the job, and the intro will be added to the site. We may tweak some of the other intros and use them on the site too, and if we do, we’ll acknowledge you.

    Deadline is end of June.

    Thanks, and hope to be working with one of you soon.

    Topics without introductions

    Some are missing from the list, because they’re already being written; and some aren’t on the site yet. Please choose from the list below

    • eco-footprints
    • low-impact holidays
    • low-impact homes
    • low-impact kids
    • natural parenting
    • personal development
    • waste & recycling
    • fair trade
    • LETS systems
    • local groups / communities
    • geodesic domes
    • biomass boilers
    • energy saving
    • hydraulic ram pumps
    • micro hydro
    • reed beds
    • brewing beer
    • butchery
    • cider making, plus apple juice and perry
    • low-impact cookery
    • seafood
    • DIY
    • leatherwork
    • rugs & floor coverings
    • welding & metalwork
    • fences, gates & stiles
    • hedgelaying
    • geese
    • goats
    • keeping livestock
    • quail
    • sheepdogs
    • car sharing
    • cycling
    • hitchhiking
    • sailing
    • narrowboats
    • skins & hides
    • stained glass
    • mosaics
    • wood carving
    • stone carving

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Peter Green May 25th, 2017

      Will you be paying in fiat money or something like Bitcoin?

    • 2Dave Darby May 25th, 2017

      Eventually, who knows, via a global mutual credit scheme / credit commons. (you’ve seen the blog articles? It’s something I’d like to see happening in my lifetime). Fiat money in the mean time, unfortunately.

    • 3Dave Darby May 26th, 2017

      We’ve added a list of topics with no intro – we didn’t think it was fair to make you find them yourself.

    • 4Anna May 26th, 2017

      looks fun. I’ll try

    • 5Nicole Solomons May 28th, 2017

      Looks great, will definitely give it a go

    • 6patrick dorian May 28th, 2017

      does it matter what age i am. as im only sixteen

    • 7Dave Darby May 28th, 2017

      Being sixteen isn’t a problem, but 6 grammatical mistakes in an 11-word post about a writing job might be.

    • 8Joe June 28th, 2017

      Sounds interesting and exciting. Application submitted!

    • 9Nadine June 28th, 2017

      Sounds like a scam to me. Anyone who can write well wouldn’t want to do it for free. My question is: If you’ve got 40 topics that need covering, why are you only asking for somebody to cover one topic? Who’s going to write the other 39? I’m a trained journalist who is leaving the ‘rat race’ for a more sustainable life and I would really enjoy writing about these subjects, but I couldn’t do it for nothing.

    • 10Dave Darby June 28th, 2017

      Ha! Nadine, if you’re a trained journalist, you really should read articles more carefully.

    • 11Emily July 11th, 2017

      Hi Dave – I see this post is still up, I realise I have missed your end of June deadline. Are you still looking for writers? Thanks, Emily

    • 12Dave Darby July 11th, 2017

      Afraid not Emily – we’ve taken someone on.

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