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  • Posted November 25th, 2020

    Paid internship opportunity with Vallis Veg for 2021

    Paid internship opportunity with Vallis Veg for 2021

    Our friends at WWOOF UK share news of a 2021 internship opportunity with the fab folks at Vallis Veg in northeast Somerset.

    Vallis Veg is a small farm (18 acres) on the edge of Frome in northeast Somerset. The work we do on the farm includes:

    • Running a 2 acre market garden with a box scheme and other local direct sales

    • Running a small campsite

    • Managing 7 acres of woodland for amenity, firewood and timber

    • Managing small fruit and nut orchards and domestic gardens for on-farm use

    • Looking after livestock (hens, sheep and pigs) on a micro-scale

    • Off-grid living projects such as constructing wooden outbuildings and compost toilets, water harvesting, and installing small photovoltaic systems

    • Domestic smallholding activities such as food preservation

    • Managing volunteers and thinking about creative ways to involve a range of people sustainably in land-based activities

    Other features of the site are:

    • There are allotments for local people to grow their own veg

    • Shared Earth Learning Co-operative have their base on our land. They run therapeutic horticultural and forest school activities for children and adults as well as holiday forest school sessions

    We’re looking for a residential intern to help us from March to September 2021 across the whole range of these activities, with the possibility of longer-term opportunities by further mutual agreement.

    Key attributes

    The key attributes for the position are:

    • An ability and enthusiasm for working both individually on your own initiative and as part of a team in outdoor farming and gardening work of all kinds in all weathers

    • An interest in and enthusiasm for low impact, off-grid rural living

    • An interest in and sympathy with agroecological farming and its methods

    There are no specific requirements for the position in terms of qualifications or prior experience (training will be provided), but an ideal candidate will have taken practical steps to get involved with agroecological farming or growing and low impact living.

    The team

    The Vallis Veg team are:

    Ellis Bowdler & Kris Fowler: market garden managers

    Cordelia Rowlatt*: co-owner, campsite manager, orcharding, home gardening, carpentry & construction

    Chris Smaje: co-owner, woodland management, livestock management, machinery & home gardening

    The intern will work with all four of the team at different times on these various facets of the farm

    Terms and benefits

    • The intern will have the benefit of rent-free accommodation onsite in a small caravan with wood-burner, gas stove, composting toilet and off-grid electric lighting/USB charging

    • There will also be access to other facilities (bathroom, electricity etc.) in the main house, and to some of the produce from the farm by arrangement

    • The intern will work a 4-day/24 hour week by arrangement, usually across Mon-Fri. Occasional evening and weekend work by arrangement

    • There will be a stipend of £100 per week

    • There are usually two shared farm meals per week, with cooking on a rota system. Outside of this, the intern will usually provide and cook their own food.

    • The internship runs from the beginning of March to the end of September – precise dates by arrangement. There is potential for renewal of working arrangements by mutual consent.

    • The intern can take 7 paid working days holiday during the internship by arrangement with the management team.

    How to apply

    Please apply in writing via email to [email protected] and include a cover letter explaining why you’re interested in the role and a brief CV & contact details of 2 referees. Closing date for applications is November 29th and we hope to interview shortlisted applicants individually in the week beginning 7th December. We can offer contributions towards travel costs.

    For more information about Vallis Veg click here to visit their website.

    *Cordelia is also the star of the Lowimpact.org compost toilets online course – watch a trailer video here.

    WWOOF UKAbout the author

    WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms UK (WWOOF UK) is part of a worldwide movement linking visitors with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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