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  • opportunity achieve permaculture livelihood couple acres devoncornwall border
  • Posted June 16th, 2017

    Opportunity to achieve a permaculture livelihood on a couple of acres on Devon/Cornwall border

    Opportunity to achieve a permaculture livelihood on a couple of acres on Devon/Cornwall border

    Hi, I have a small piece of land (approx. 1.75 acres)  with small barn on the Devon-Cornwall border that I would really like to make available to someone committed to creating a permaculture lifestyle.  The land, including a small orchard of 10 apple trees is pretty much overgrown at present, having been abandoned for some years. I’ve spoken with WDBC planning dept. and there may be the opportunity for the  barn to achieve planning consent for a one/two bed conversion.  I’m looking to initially lease out the land at a peppercorn rent, allowing time for anyone to set up a viable business and with a view to selling on when in a position to.  Obviously a legal agreement will need to be set up to safeguard both parties, I am open to ideas / options. Please would anyone interested contact me directly, initially by email.

    More details

    The drive is approximately 100 feet long, 10 feet wide with a 15 foot splay at entrance.  For reference the post code is PL20 7EU and can be viewed on Google – presently slightly less overgrown than illustrated on Google view.  The land is within a World Heritage site, a 3 minute walk to train station with a 25 minute train ride into Plymouth – with fabulous estuary views.

    I originally  owned the attached property but this was sold in 2002.  My intention was  always to set up my own smallholding based on a permaculture lifestyle, however working out of the area and finances prevented this,  I am now of an age where I’m physically unable to do so, also lacking the support I would need.  I hope eventually to achieve planning consent for the barn to be converted to a 1 – 2 bed accommodation. Barn measures approximately 30 x 15 feet wide.  I’ve spoken to WDBC planning dept. who suggest at present there is a 30-40 % chance of consent, greater with an active small holding.

    My idea is for an interested party to rent the land on a peppercorn rent, work it as they would wish with a negotiated lease to include a period of time to suit both parties, with the option to buy at a later date  with planning in place.

    The land presently is very overgrown, there is a small orchard of 10 apple trees (traditional, local to the peninsula), planted in 1996.  I personally am very interested in aquaponics (blame a Channel 4 programme on sustainable living some years ago) and would really have liked to have been able to set up such a project.

    To provide you with some background, whilst I own my home I had hoped it would be my income whilst living on the land. That time has past, and now I will need this land to act as my pension.

    My thought process is:

    a) I can provide the opportunity  to someone with  a similar philosophy.

    b) long term to achieve an income for myself; at present my only income is my state pension.

    If what I have described seems reasonable and achievable I would be prepared to consider the option of selling to the lease holder on an interest-free private mortgage; this seems fair given the work which will be needed to reach this result.  Needless to say, professional legal services would be part of this arrangement / agreement to safeguard both parties.

    UPDATE 27th May 2019: Please be aware that this opportunity has been taken and is no longer available.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Adrian June 16th, 2017

      Libby,your e mail address is incorrect,have tried but it wont go through

    • 2Dave Darby June 16th, 2017

      Hi – just tried it and it worked.

    • 3Dave Darby June 16th, 2017

      Send it to me – dave at lowimpact dot org and I’ll pass it on.

    • 4Rebecca Pitman June 16th, 2017

      What a lovely opportunity, I have sent you an email Libby.

    • 5Marty November 20th, 2017

      Hi, we have sent over an email… very interested. Looks absolutely perfect for us…just got everything crossed that it is still available..

      Marty & Jools x

    • 6Maggie caudwell March 12th, 2018

      I do hope it will work out for you. Love Maggie

    • 7Dan O May 8th, 2018

      Hi Libby, did you have any luck finding the right person/people for your land? And if so, how’s it all coming together?

    • 8Phillip Michael Skerritt May 7th, 2021

      Is the land stilll available? This sounds like exactly what I need to practice my permaculture and rewilding once I sell my house in South Africa and move to Cornwall.

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