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  • make your own scallop shell candles
  • Posted August 14th, 2018

    How to make your own scallop shell candles

    How to make your own scallop shell candles

    Richard Phillips of The Soap Kitchen shares how you can make your very own scallop shell candles at home with just three simple ingredients and a bit of elbow grease…

    On a recent trip to the South Devon coast, I collected a bag full of scallop shells from the beach that the local fishermen had discarded (after keeping their delicious catch). I bought them in for a brainstorming session to the creative team and, whilst thinking what to do with all these wonderful shells, we took some inspiration from our Plastic Free July efforts and decided upon a simple yet beautiful candle.

    The main bit of hard work here was cleaning out the shells. As these had recently been the home of our tasty little scallops, I had to ensure that any fishy/beach residue was properly removed. Once you’re happy with your shells, get your equipment and ingredients ready.

    The recipe

    This recipe will make 4-5 shells, depending on their size.

    What you need

    • Double melter
    • Stirring spoons
    • Measuring spoons (15ml)
    • Accurate scales
    • LX8 Wicks and Sustainers
    • Wick holder (handmade from wooden reeds)
    • Heatproof jug
    • Medium – large scallop shells
    • Glass thermometer


    What to do

    Preparing the wick of the scallop shell candles
    Credit: The Soap Kitchen

    Step 1

    Attach the wick to the central (deepest) part of the shell using a small spot of candle wax glue.

    Step 2

    Thread the wick through the wick holder and rest on top of the shell. Repeat these 2 steps for all your shells.

    Step 3

    Rest your shells against some sort of block to balance them ready to pour the wax in.

    Preparing the wax for the scallop shell candles
    Credit: The Soap Kitchen

    Step 4

    Get water in your double melter and put it on the hob, once it is hot enough, pour the wax shavings into the metal bowl.

    Step 5

    Keep an eye on the wax, stirring it occasionally to ensure all the wax melts evenly.

    Melting wax ready to make scallop shell candles
    Credit: The Soap Kitchen

    Step 6

    It is quite obvious when the wax has melted, as it changes to a translucent yellow (similar to that of olive oil). Melting temperature is 68 degrees, once it has reached this temp, take it off the heat.

    Step 7

    Now you can add the fragrance and stir well. It is important you leave this till last to avoid the fragrance from evaporating. We chose Seaweed and Algae as this was a nice fresh beach like smell!

    Step 8

    Let the melted wax cool down to 51 degrees.

    The scallop shell candles beginning to take shape
    Credit: The Soap Kitchen

    Step 9

    Transfer the melted wax to your glass pouring jug and distribute the wax between the shells. Pouring confidently and evenly.

    Step 10

    Wait for the wax to solidify. C’est fini!

    The finished scallop shell candles
    Credit: The Soap Kitchen

    With thanks to Richard for sharing the original post from Soap Making Magazine, the official blog of The Soap Kitchen.

    The Soap KitchenAbout the author

    The Soap Kitchen stock an unrivalled selection of ingredients for soap making, toiletry and cosmetic making and candle making supplies. Richard Phillips and the team also run Soap Making Magazine, official blog of The Soap Kitchen, which is home to a host of information, tutorials and recipes.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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