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  • learn how to set up your own project living off grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding
  • Posted March 18th, 2018

    Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

    Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

    Having been WWOOF hosts for over 10 years we have decided to expand what we offer to provide a more focused and valuable experience. The Pentiddy Woods Internship is an opportunity to join our family for 9 months living off-grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding.

    Pentiddy Woods is a family-run permaculture and woodland smallholding comprising of approximately 27 acres of land on the edge of Bodmin moor, near the village of Pensilva, Cornwall. Our vision is to create an environment where people can reconnect with themselves, with the community around them and with the earth that provides for us.

    The site of the Pentiddy Woods internship

    From October each year through to the following July we are offering a full, rounded experience in sustainable living. You will be trained in numerous essential skills for setting up your own project. There will be a small training budget for off-site courses, free weekends (except during hay-making time!), 1 day each week for more flexible study or skills learning with 4 days a week helping on a variety of interesting tasks around the land. We will tailor your training to fit with your interests and requirements.

    Each season there will also be trips to the Green Scythe Fair and the National Coppice Federation AGM amongst others. There are plenty of interesting places to visit fairly locally such as the Eden Project, Landmatters Community, Agroforestry Research Trust, Keveral Farm Community…

    “I’ve been at Pentiddy since the start of 2017. My stay so far has been amazing and I am continuing to learn a million and one bits of knowledge and practical skills in all aspects of a sustainable lifestyle, ranging from digging a leach drain system connecting the grey water system to the polytunnel, to pollarding Lime trees in the community coppice and four part harmony singing around the dinner table. Come here if you love living in tune with everything around you and working outdoors. It’s amazing!”

    Hannah Curran

    “I had done almost a years worth of WWOOFing at about a dozen different places when I came here for a month. I’m still here 2 years later and intend to be here for a fair while yet! Rarely is there such a combination of good work, good people and good learning. Being here for longer and seeing the seasons change has been particularly valuable to me in understanding the effects of decisions made and work done on a permaculture smallholding. The deep learning over this period has been invaluable.”

    Tim Radja

    We can only offer 2 places each year, and we would obviously prefer you to visit beforehand if possible. Please in the first instance apply in writing or by e-mail. [email protected]. Pentiddy Woods, Attwood Lane, Pensilva, Liskeard. Cornwall. PL145QU.

    For further information on this please visit www.pentiddy.co.uk/

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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