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  • Posted May 26th, 2021

    Join our presentation: the Credit Commons protocol – tech agnostic, low-friction transactions for all

    Join our presentation: the Credit Commons protocol – tech agnostic, low-friction transactions for all

    You’re invited to join our presentation on the ‘Credit Commons’ – a protocol to connect and unite mutual credit groups globally – on Friday 4 June from 4-5.30pm. Sign up here.


    Matthew Slater and Dil Green will introduce the Credit Commons Protocol – a low level transaction data structure which allows means of exchange transactions between trading entities of any kind, irrespective of their internal arrangements.

    Tech agnostic, open source, the protocol defines a mutual credit mechanism that allows disparate trading entities to maintain a shared ledger, for increased financial autonomy, without asking them to change anything about themselves.

    This financial autonomy derives from simple continuous clearing – an implicit outcome of maintaining a shared ledger, which reduces the need for fiat/bank money to settle obligations.

    For maximum viability, such mutual groups will need to be social/human scale (from 5 to 500 members, probably).

    However, economies – seen as enabling effective co-ordination of investment decisions across out-groups – exist through network effects, which requires scale.

    We will show how this simple protocol, can be applied recursively to build federations, and federations of federations potentially spanning the globe, allowing the smallest producers to issue mutual credit with their peers and spend it across the whole network.

    The system would create beneficial trading relations without the use of money, with low transaction costs, incentives towards relocalisation, and without banks or other exploiters of informational asymmetries, with low regulatory risk. We will also present a road map to a fully distributed implementation.

    Further we will describe the stepwise Theory of Change which can take us to this vision, starting with easy adoption by existing business networks, proceeding at every stage by immediate ‘What’s in in for me?’ advantages.

    Link will be provided to signed up attendees in the run up to the event. Check here, or check your email.


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Sjaak Adriaanse June 1st, 2021

      “Friday 4 June from 4-5.30pm” Which time zone is this? I am in the Netherlands.

    • 2Dave Darby June 1st, 2021

      Sorry, UK time

    • 3Sjaak Adriaanse June 4th, 2021

      Has the link to the presentation been emailed yet? I have not seen anything.

    • 4Dave Darby June 4th, 2021

      the zoom link is on the meetup page – https://www.meetup.com/circular-economy-analytics/events/278094049/

    • 5Nick Birkby June 6th, 2021

      Hi Dave, will there be a link to the recording of this? I sadly missed the live stream.

    • 6Dave Darby June 7th, 2021

      Nick – it’s being edited – will post a link when it’s live

    • 7Dave Darby June 7th, 2021

      Nick – it’s live – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1koUpspA1jw

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