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  • invitation to visit or join grow heathrow
  • Posted August 27th, 2013

    Invitation to visit or join Grow Heathrow

    Invitation to visit or join Grow Heathrow

    One of Lowimpact.org’s staff recently visited Grow Heathrow and was really impressed with their organisation, their gardens and their opposition to the damaging growth in air travel, airports and the proposed new runway at Heathrow. We offer our full support. Over to Sam:


    Over the last three years, more than 2000 people have travelled to our squatted organic community garden. Through four free workshops every week, we have taught each other how to grow food with all ages, how to depend on each other as equals instead of depending on fossil fuels, and how to resist the polluting third runway. Each relationship established builds bridges of hope for life. Each heart that falls in love with the land fuels a body willing to keep it safe.

    We can share skills in the following areas:We have restored three 40m long greenhouses where we grow vegetables, run workshops and host open days. We’re entirely off-grid – we harness energy from two homemade wind turbines and some solar panels, have bicycle, metal and wood workshops, as well as a yurt and a straw bale house. And we’re organising with local residents to transform the Heathrow Villages into a radical self-sufficient community.

    • Organic food growing and permaculture
    • Sustainable building
    • Off-grid energy production
    • Media and communications
    • Website/graphic design
    • Accounting/book keeping
    • Metal/wood work
    • Bicycle mechanics
    • Running social enterprises/co-operatives
    • Fundraising

    Amid chilling threats of a third and fourth runway, Grow Heathrow is under threat of eviction, possibly in the next weeks or months. We’re asking for bold spirits to come and help us occupy Grow Heathrow during the coming months. We need help to quickly make a safer space. We continue to offer to buy the land but the landowner has not answered our letters or calls. Whether you’re here for a few days, weeks or months, you can keep this alive and thriving.

    We were described as “the heart of the village” by the BBC, “inspirational” by the local MP and even “a deterrent for crime” by local police. The Guardian got a bit carried away when it called us “squat-topia”. Calm down. It’s just a garden.

    grow heathrow
    You can find us at Grow Heathrow, Vineries Close, Sipson, London UB7 0JG. Cycle, hitch to J4 of the M4 or get the train to West Drayton or Hounslow West and then the 222 bus to Harmondsworth Lane.We have 11 guest beds, 13 sofas, floor space and enough camping ground for 500 people. When you’re living here, you’ll be skipping, cooking and taking part in our non-hierarchical decisions, as well as taking part in the reasons we’re here – growing food, sharing skills freely, and welcoming newcomers to off-grid living and direct action. We’re a pet-friendly project, so let your dog enjoy the site as much as you will!

    Go to www.transitionheathrow.com/directions for more details.

    Tell your friends and networks, and if you have any questions we’re here for you on 07890 751568 or [email protected]

    We can’t wait to see you here. Come while you can.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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