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  • heartwood community seeking new members
  • Posted May 24th, 2018

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more.

    Put your roots down and live lightly

    We are a Permaculture based fully mutual housing co-op located near the market town of Carmarthen. Presently there are five adults and three children living here. Heartwood is an old dairy farm with 35 acres of land: woods, pasture, wetland, streams, orchards and gardens. We garden and grow food together and manage our woodland and hay fields.

    We eat a vegetarian dinner together five days a week in the communal house. On Wednesdays we have our community meeting and workday. We share the care of two goats, a pony (who helps us with working the land and woodland managemet), chickens , ducks, sheep, a small dog and many cats! Some of us car share.

    A communal dinner at Heartwood Community

    This position would suit someone working part time who is ready to commit to an alternative lifestyle which focuses on living close to the earth.

    Who we’re looking for

    Essential qualities

    Gardening or woodland management

    Good communication

    Availability for – 1 day a week workday, Wednesday morning meeting, 5 days a week communal vegetarian dinner, cleaning rota and admin

    Ability to pay rent and food/bills

    Natural building at Heartwood Community

    Desirable qualities

    Practical skills including animal care, childcare, cleaning, DIY, building, plumbing, electronics

    Smallholding experience

    Non violent communication skills

    Consensus decision making experience

    Shared car use

    Want to get in touch?

    If this sounds like you, please contact us to let us know what you can bring. You can email [email protected] and [email protected].

    Further information about the community can be found via Diggers & Dreamers and our own website here.

    The team at Heartwood Community

    If you’d like to learn more about what life can be like in intentional communities in general, visit our topic introduction here or follow the links to the right-hand side of this page.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Martin hutchinson August 23rd, 2021

      Hi from tarsky and Hutch

      Please look at the link it will tell what we have been doing for the environment and I would like to come and spend time with you


    • 2Paul November 1st, 2021

      I have skills.. [email protected]. I have no violent history and I am ready to assist. x

    • 3Sam cat October 6th, 2022

      Hello, we are a couple and a dog who currently live in a caravan, have been members of communities in the past and are very interested in seeing what you are all about, please contact us so we can have a chat, cat

    • 4Mark Payne November 22nd, 2022

      Where and how do I submit an application to help/be part of what your doing

    • 5Rebecca Stacey November 23rd, 2022

      Hi Mark, there are emails in the article – but this article a couple of years old now – good luck though! Keep us informed.

    • 6Angela January 14th, 2023

      Hi, I’m a 50 year old woman interested in community living, willing to help out and work hard, I have experience in living off grid and looking for my next adventure. I’m physically fit and can cook well, i pick things up very easy, interested in gardening and animals.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

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