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  • good food march 2019
  • Posted August 27th, 2019

    Get the Good Food March 2019 in the diary – pots and pans at the ready!

    Get the Good Food March 2019 in the diary – pots and pans at the ready!

    The Landworkers’ Alliance will be joining a host of partners to put farming, food and climate justice centre stage this October. Here’s how you can join them on the Good Food March 2019 in London.

    The Farming, Food and Climate Justice March is mobilising a broad range of organisations and individuals from the sustainable farming and climate movements. We will march on Westminster on 5th October and meet for two days before the demonstration for a series of movement building workshops in central London.

    Who is it for?

    We’ll be marching for all the diverse communities that make up our food system onto the streets; farmers, foresters, fishers, and other land-based workers; bakers, butchers, chefs and other food processors; grocers, distributors and those working throughout the supply chain; campaigners and activists, nurses and public health workers, all those who love food and the soil beneath our feet.

    A participant at the Good Food March 2018 with their placard via www.goodfoodmarch.org
    The Good Food March 2018 in full swing. Credit: Good Food March

    Why we’re marching

    We are marching to demand immediate and comprehensive solutions to the multiple crises we are facing in our farming, food and climate. The current systems are not working for people or the planet. We have the solutions and will not wait any longer for them to be implemented.

    Across our diverse communities people are experiencing problems that are rooted in the governance of farming, food and climate change. From farm closures because prices are undermined by cheap imports and supermarket power, to an industrial food system that is driving climate chaos and destroying the environment; to extreme poverty and hunger caused by austerity, to the politics of the hostile environment that are destroying lives.

    These issues are interconnected and approaches that fail to address these situations for everyone are not real solutions. We reject policies that blame those most affected whilst protecting the wealth and power of the elites and corporations that are causing the damage. We are marching for an immediate transition to a food and farming system with justice at its core, that works for people, the environment and the climate.

    Through sequestering carbon in soils, localising supply chains and promoting biodiversity, a better food system can protect our climate as well as producing the nourishing food we all need. That’s why we’re bringing the sustainable food movement and the climate movement together for the Farming, Food and Climate Justice March on 5th of October in Westminster. 

    This action is happening in solidarity with the wider European food sovereignty movement that is mobilising throughout October to demand an end to the industrial food system, and in support of just and sustainable alternatives.

    Rain at the Good Food March 2018.
    A rather rainy march in 2018. Credit: Good Food March

    What you can do

    • Come to the march on the 5th of October and encourage your friends, family and co-workers to join us too. Let’s make some noise – don’t forget your pots and pans!

    • Come to the movement building workshops at the Bargehouse on 3rd and 4th of October to help build the narratives for ecological justice.

    • If you have an idea for a workshop, please email a proposal to the Good Food March team here. Please keep this to 200 words of less.

    • Help promote the march on social media using the hashtag #foodclimatemarch.

    Further details

    For all the information you need to take part in the march and the movement building workshops preceding it, head over to the Good Food March website: goodfoodmarch.org. The march will start at 2pm on 5th October, meeting at at the north east corner of St James’s Park, off The Mall. See here for a map. From there we will march to Parliament Square where we will rally, before heading onto The Bargehouse on Southbank. The Landworkers’ Alliance will be organising coaches from across the country. Please check here for details.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    LWA logoAbout the author

    The Landworkers’ Alliance is an organisation of people who make their livelihoods from producing food, fuel and fibre using sustainable methods of production. We are a member of La Via Campesina, the international farmers’ union, and work in solidarity with our fellow small-scale farmers and land workers across the globe.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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