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  • free straw bale building internships starting september
  • Posted August 8th, 2016

    Free straw-bale building internships starting in September

    Free straw-bale building internships starting in September

    Starting on September 7th, I am pleased to offer you the chance to take part in a whole straw bale house build. From foundations to finish plasters and everything in between.

    We are looking for a small group of long term volunteers to build a small straw bale cottage in stunning mid Wales. Build time 8 weeks.

    In return for your hard work and dedication, you will receive:

    • A practical hands on education of how to build a straw bale house from foundations to finishes. You will learn: framing for straw bale, green roofs, straw bale installation, clay plaster, lime plaster, composting toilet, Tadelakt (hopefully if there is time!).
    • Educational discussions on each stage of the build, including: materials science, design details, natural materials & everything else that comes up. This has been factored into the the build time. It is our upmost commitment to educate in return for your hard work.
    • Meals will be provided.
    View from the build site.

    Please note that this is 5 days a week, 9 til 5. We only want people who will give their all and can commit to the entire build. The internship will run from September 9th – November 7th.

    No building experience necessary, just the right attitude.

    If you think this experience is for you then email me. We have had quite a lot of interested people and are looking to get a good balance in the build team, so can you tell us a little about yourself? What interests you about the build, natural building experience? Any similar experiences and maybe an example of if you have worked and lived in a small team?


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Polly Shearlaw August 9th, 2016

      Hi, This sounds interesting ?

      When you say meals provided, is this lunch on work-days or all meals on work-days? Do you anticipate people going off-site in the evenings and weekends?

      Also, if someone was coming from out of area, is there any accommodation?

      Where is the site? Is it accessible by local public transport?

      Basically if someone was interested, but they are currently unemployed (would need to ‘sign-off’ benefits for the duration of the build), couldn’t afford B+B type accomodation and don’t drive – would they be able to do it? (Can be a bit cold for camping in October/November and dire sitting alone in a tent on dark autumn evenings.)

      It’s the kind of thing my son has done before, but in summer, with free camping, all meals provided and like-minded group of volunteers to socialise with in the evenings…

      Just enquiring at this stage…

      Best wishes

      Polly Shearlaw

    • 2Ahmed Al-Alawi August 9th, 2016

      I am interested but I also wonder about accommodation, food (veg or non veg) and location?

    • 3JeffreyHart August 9th, 2016

      All meals on work days (Vegetarian), access to cooking equipment on weekends.

      Nearest station is Newtown, Powys and lifts can be organised to get you to site.

      It is assumed that people will camp on site, there is room to park a van to sleep in if preferred.

      Volunteers to socialise with in evenings.

    • 4hazel bland August 9th, 2016

      I would have loved to be part of this…..I’ve got my camper as accommodation, and a great interest in the project…experience in various elements of renovation etc…but sadly I’m booked at an event in Sept…and I’m not sure that my Fibro would put up with 5 dys of work….. ?

    • 5JeffreyHart August 9th, 2016

      This project is to be the pilot for an ongoing build project offered in the same manor. Drop me an email via the website if you would like to be put on the mailing list for upcoming projects.

    • 6Josephine hodges August 9th, 2016

      [email protected] I can’t find your email address but would love to be kept in the loop for any further projects as I would love to do this. Thanks.

    • 7Carole August 9th, 2016

      Wow I would love to do this but have a 5 year old son and my partner works full time. If you ever run workshop type things though and not a full build to commit to I would be interested.

    • 8Beth August 11th, 2016

      This looks awesome! Wish I was free.

    • 9Loic August 11th, 2016

      Hi. I’ve sent an email and tried to post a comment but haven’t got confirmation and can’t see it. Just checking if you’ve received it.

    • 10Eva August 14th, 2016

      Hi there, I’m very interested in this, but I can’t work out how to send an email over! I can’t seem to open the contact page. If I could get an email to send over info that’s be great! Thanks

    • 11JeffreyHart August 15th, 2016

      Hi Jo – I have added your email to our email list for future builds.

      Carole – Do keep an eye on http://www.jeffreythenaturalbuilder.com for courses (there will be no more this year as this as this project will take up all my time. But 2017 dates will be added as they are confirmed)

      Loic – We have been swamped with emails, going through them all today!

      Eva – http://jeffreythenaturalbuilder.com/contact – I just double checked that it’s working

    • 12Loic Jacob August 19th, 2016

      No worries. Thanks for letting me know!

    • 13francoise August 20th, 2016

      Great , anything i need to bring ?

    • 14mica akullian January 25th, 2019

      Great, I’ll be there…seeing as how there is no year date, im assuming this is happening every year….so i will see you guys this september…i have just bought my plane tickets, and will be arriving ready to work. i have already found your address and will be showing up right on time…it’s great that you have not dated this by the year, so that I have spent all this time on the site, but thankfully because it is not dated by the year, that must mean it is every year. so i am grateful, and will be seeing you guys soon! Thanks

    • 15Dave Darby January 25th, 2019

      Mica – it says clearly in the article to email Jeffrey if you’re interested. Have you emailed him? This build in Wales was completed in 2016, and there’s no address in the article for any new build, so not sure where you’re going to turn up.

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