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  • Posted May 6th, 2018

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more.

    We are looking for long term volunteers who will be with us for the whole duration of the build. In return for your hard work and dedication, you will receive:

    • A practical hands on education of how to build a straw bale house from foundations to finishes. You will learn: roundwood framing, stone foundations, green roofs, straw bale installation, clay plaster, lime plaster and earth floors.
    • Educational discussions on each stage of the build, including: materials science, design details, natural materials & everything else that comes up. This has been factored into the the build time. It is our upmost commitment to educate in return for your hard work.
    • Meals will be provided.

    Please note that this is 5 days a week, 9am til 5pm. We only want people who will give their all and can commit to the entire build. No building experience is necessary, just the right attitude.

    About the build project

    Dates: Monday June 18th – August 31st (these are estimated as best as we can, but may move slightly)

    Location: Aberlour, Scotland

    Build Details: The build is an 8m straw-bale roundwood framed roundhouse

    You will learn:

    • Foundations – Rubble trench, stone laying with lime mortar
    • Roundwood timber framing – including reciprocal roof frame
    • Green roof
    • Straw-bale infill walls
    • Earth floor
    • Clay plasters
    • Lime plasters

    Accommodation: Camping on site. Covered communal spaces with showers and toilets.

    Food: On work days lunch and dinner will be cooked for you with a help yourself breakfast. Basics provisions provided on weekends with access to cooking equipment.

    Age Requirements: 18+

    How to apply

    With this build, we have two types of internship available: 10 places for build interns and 1 organisational intern position.

    For the build intern application form please click here and for the organisational intern application form click here. The deadline for applications for this build is May 11th.

    Further information on the internship programme in general is available here, the summer 2018 programme here and Hartwyn themselves here.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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