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  • Posted July 23rd, 2012

    Local firewood auction & fair in your county?

    Local firewood auction & fair in your county?

    The Lincolnshire Firewood Fair receives The Lincolnshire Environmental Award 2012. 4 years ago a disparate group of foresters, woodmen, agents, and firewood merchants got together with direction from the local Forestry Commission officer. The object of the exercise was to promote the use of local firewood, and make the link in the public mind between well-managed county woodlands and this renewable energy source. Working woodlands regenerate the woodland structure through careful thinning and felling regimes, producing a useable and desirable product whilst improving overall habitat value.

    The fair is based around a large firewood auction, as well as entertaining demonstrations of woodland and arboricultural skills, machinery and working practices. I’m part of the organising committee, and I’m pleased to report that the Lincolnshire Firewood Fair has recently won an environmental award for it’s contribution to sustainable woodland management, renewable fuel promotion, and public engagement. This is a good way of bringing people out of the woods, towns, and villages to meet a common goal of moving firewood from woods to fireside.

    This year the fair is returning to Revesby, just north of Boston, on the 2nd September. For more details see here.

    The increasing interest in the fair is encouraging for the volunteer committee, as is the fact that the concept has been used in other areas of the country. This is an ideal way of connecting the public with the technology, merchants, and suppliers, as not only is there the auction and demonstrations, but also trade stands booked by retailers providing stoves, firewood processing machinery, chainsaws, boilers, chippers, log splitters, and wood-based products. Stalls are also booked by environmental bodies, the Royal Forestry Society, land-based training providers, and overall sponsorship this year is by local timber haulier D& O Transport.

    This idea is eminently replicable in all counties. Why not get together with some likely local candidates, and approach your local authority?

    (NB: Andy is host of the Ecolodge low-impact holidays, and author of our books Heating with Wood and Wind & Solar Electricity)

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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