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  • ecological land co op share offer extended
  • Posted June 7th, 2017

    Ecological Land Co-op share offer extended after exceeding target: help us change the way land is owned in the UK

    Ecological Land Co-op share offer extended after exceeding target: help us change the way land is owned in the UK

    WOW! We’ve surpassed our initial maximum target of £340,000, and there are still FOUR days to go. Our new investors are helping us continue our work supporting small-scale, agro-ecological farming. Thank you!

    We have now extended our target to £440,000 – help us reach our new goal and allow us to work even harder creating ecological farms fit for the future.

    Invest today in tomorrow’s farms – here.

    Read more about the ELC’s share offer on a previous blog post here.

    We’ve been heartened and humbled by the huge amount of support and effort made when like-minded folk, seeking to change things, get together. Your investment in our work gives us the confidence and courage that what we’re doing is a real, viable option for helping effect change.

    As Executive Director, Cate Chapman, says,

    “One of the main reasons the Ecological Land Co-op exists is to create access to land for sustainable uses. We live in an environment of high land prices and very unequal land ownership. Our model is one way of returning land to community ownership and ecological use so we can be sure that land is being sustainably managed not just for the current generation but for future generations and for biodiversity as a whole.”

    A community share offer is a simple and direct way to engage with a cause you believe in. Moving your money from an indifferent, profit-driven agenda to a community of interest can be empowering, as you’re supporting a common cause.

    If you’d like to help get the word out and ignite your passion in others, then please share a tweet or facebook post. You can copy and paste the text below or use whatever means that gets you excited. It’s about ‘social contagion’ and creating that spark in others.


    Invest in @ecolandcoop community share offer for affordable, ecological livelihoods. #Farms fit for the future https://www.ethex.org.uk/


    Last chance to invest in The @Ecological Land Cooperative’s community share offer : providing affordable land for ecological livelihoods.

    The @Ecological Land Cooperative believe the creation of sustainable rural livelihoods is one of the best ways to address our most pressing environmental and social problems. They do this by purchasing agricultural land, applying for planning permission for low-impact smallholdings with temporary residences.

    As a co-operative their work is only made possible with the support of their members – the public.

    Help make the future of truly sustainable ecological farming a reality, today.

    Investments between from £500 up to £40,000 are still open.

    Find out more here: https://www.ethex.org.

    With Brexit looming and an uncertain future for farmers, the horizon of climate change drawing in, and the power of big business continuing, we truly believe getting support from our members is the way to go.

    Thank you!

    The ELC Team

    The Ecological Land Co-op share offer will help grow all of this!

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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