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  • csa volunteer yurt
  • Posted December 21st, 2017

    Want to help set up a community-supported agriculture scheme, Jan-Apr, and stay in a yurt next to a river?

    Want to help set up a community-supported agriculture scheme, Jan-Apr, and stay in a yurt next to a river?

    Are you feeling like you need a change of scenery for a little while? Feel like you would like to be out in the countryside more? Well how about staying in a cosy yurt with a log burner by the river Avon, eating yummy food that we’ll cook for you, and helping set up a beautiful productive garden that will feed local schools and the community? We will need lots of help from January-April, if it sounds like something you fancy please message me – see below.

    Hosts Seeds of Eden will be launching a community-supported agriculture scheme In January 2018 on seven acres of the Stanford Hall estate in Lutterworth, Leicestershire. The farm gates are set to open in January of 2018, when they’ll be inviting the community to grow a wide variety of crops with the guidance of a full-time grower.

    The produce will then be made available to community growers, school canteens and local residents through a membership system. To help them get their site ready in the spring they are looking for a team of WWOOFERS / volunteers – about 10-15 in total. They have 5 cosy yurts with wood burners by the river and a communal dining hall and canteen so they can feed and accommodate.

    They’re asking for 4 days work minimum per week and a minimum of a week’s commitment to make training worthwhile, with a review after 1 week to make sure everyone is happy. They’d prefer people to stay for as long a period as possible up until May. If you’re interested in helping out contact Graham Willett –  hello@stanfordhallcsa.

    There are various ways that you can become a member of the new scheme. See this information pack for more details.


    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Jim Trumper December 21st, 2017

      I would definitely be interested

    • 2Graham Willett December 21st, 2017

      Thanks Jim! I’ve emailed you. Feel free to respond with any questions.

    • 3Annie Leymarie December 21st, 2017

      I have been attending several ‘Tribe of Doris’ multicultural festivals at Stanford Hall and it’s a great place, the owner having excellent visions for it!

    • 4Ellie Mae January 2nd, 2018

      hello ,

      my name is Ellie Mae

      22 Y/O. i am very interested in being a part of your team if there is any spaces left.

      please get back to me asap.

    • 5Graham January 2nd, 2018

      Hey! I just emailed you but for the sake of the thread I’ll copy and paste here:

      Hi Ellie,

      Thank you very much for your interest. Yes, we’ve still got spaces available. How long would you like to stay? What are your areas of interest? Once I know a little bit more about what you want to gain from the project I can see if I can fit you in with the right team.

      Warmth to you,

      From Graham.

    • 6Ellie Mae January 10th, 2018

      Hi Graham

      ? very glad to hear ,

      could you send me your email address as i cant seem to find you email?

      i was hoping to maybe speak on the phone would this be possible?

      Thank you Ellie

    • 7Graham Willett January 10th, 2018

      Hi, yes, you can call on 07946830044 or e-mail at [email protected]

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