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    Winemaking posts

    Turn your grapes into wine with help from OrganicLea

    Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 06-Sep-2019 | 0

    It’s that time of year again when the fab folks at OrganicLea invite grape-growing Londoners to join their community wine-making scheme. It’s over to Craig to tell us more, with a useful guide to harvesting grapes to boot. Read more

    In London and grow grapes? Join a community wine-making scheme!

    Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 28-Aug-2018 | 0

    Calling all London grape growers – you’re invited to join the Community Wine Making Scheme run by OrganicLea. Read more

    In praise of the elder tree, and how to make delicious elderberry wine really easily

    Common Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a familiar sight on railway embankments, urban waste ground, and in hedgerows. This small tree thrives in particular in the north and midlands of England, growing rapidly when cut back and giving off a discomforting dusty smell in the process, along with also being very difficult to dig up. Read more

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