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    Wildlife gardening posts

    Using compost as mulch

    Adam Johannes of Compost Guy | 05-Feb-2024 | 0

    Home compost is a great source of mulch for your garden, it will improve your soil over time. Read more

    Native British pond plants

    Simon Eade of Garden of Eaden | 31-May-2023 | 0

    Learn about the native British pond plants that can support life in your pond. Read more

    20 year research project reveals devastating loss of British and Irish flora

    What has causes a devestating decline in British and Irish flora? Read more

    Preparing for new growth at Imbolc

    How the Celtic festival of Imbolc can inspire new growth. Read more

    Not so nasty nettle – an honourable compendium for an overlooked plant!

    Recipes for the humble nettle. Read how to pick, choose and cook with this overlooked plant. Read more

    Designing your garden for extreme heat

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 10-Aug-2022 | 0

    Many perennials, shrubs and trees – particularly newly planted – are going to struggle in the kind of conditions we’re faced with as I write – record high temperatures after months of low rainfall. What can we do to help them? Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 25-Feb-2021 | 0

    In the final instalment of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, it’s time to address the key issues of planning and design, as well as how to make sure it’s sustainable in every way. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 17-Feb-2021 | 1

    We explore the nuts and bolts of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, this time tackling finding a site and first steps towards sourcing funding. Read more

    Sustainable alternatives to garden lawns: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 30-Sep-2020 | 2

    From herbs to moss and more, we share a first instalment from our friends at Ethical.net about sustainable alternatives to garden lawns. Read more

    The Wool Carder bee – and why it’s one of my favourites

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 29-Jul-2020 | 0

    Which are your favourite species of bee? For Nick Mann of Habitat Aid, ranking high among them is the Wool Carder bee. Read more

    Sowing wildflower seed onto grass

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 17-Jun-2020 | 0

    Keen to transform your lawn into a wildflower meadow but not sure how? Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his guide to sowing wildflower seed onto grass. Read more

    Blossom, blossom and more blossom!

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 27-May-2020 | 0

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid charts a five month journey of beautiful blossom and how people and pollinators alike can benefit from its bounty. Read more

    Could you be a recorder for the Nature’s Calendar project with the Woodland Trust?

    The Woodland Trust share the latest findings from their Nature’s Calendar project and invite you to get involved as one of the thousands of volunteers who make it happen each year. Read more

    Hedgelaying for wildlife: it’s worth the effort

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 22-Jan-2020 | 0

    We hear from Nick Mann of Habitat Aid about why hedgelaying for wildlife is well worth the effort – and the workout – it entails. Read more

    Wildflower meadows in spring: what to look forward to

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 18-Dec-2019 | 1

    As the winter solstice approaches, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid takes a welcome look forward to the delights of his wildflower meadows in spring. Read more

    In the meadow: rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 11-Jun-2019 | 0

    As summertime nears, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares a snapshot of a Somerset meadow, rediscovering the extraordinary ordinary of the nature found within. Read more

    Plants for bees in late winter: how your garden can help them through

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 26-Feb-2019 | 5

    If it’s warm in February the bees will be in trouble. Nick Mann of Habitat Aid explains how you can help with plants for bees in your garden. Read more

    How to start a native wildflower meadow in 6 easy steps

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 05-Feb-2019 | 0

    Jo Cartmell of NearbyWild shares her six easy steps to welcome in the wildlife by turning a garden lawn into a native wildflower meadow. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 6: magic of the wool carder bee and leafcutter bee

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 18-Oct-2018 | 0

    Jo Cartmell of NearbyWild shares Part 6 of her mini meadow series. This time, she has a close encounter with two very special guests to her garden: a wool carder bee and leafcutter bee. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 5: new arrivals in the orchard meadow

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 21-Aug-2018 | 1

    In Part 5 of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she shares news of a surprise in the mini meadow and new arrivals in the orchard meadow. Read more

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