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    Wild food posts

    Getting started with fishing for food: Part 2 – When and where?

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 02-Jul-2019 | 0

    Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 2 of her Fishing for Food series, Jessie Watson Brown chats with Charlie Loram about the when and where of starting fishing. Read more

    Getting started with fishing for food: Part 1 – Gear

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 06-Jun-2019 | 0

    Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 1 of her new fishing for food series, Jessie Watson Brown tackles the gear you’ll need to get started, with the help of Charlie Loram. Read more

    The surprising benefits of harvesting wild foods – more than you’d expect!

    Emily Fawcett of the Old Way | 14-Feb-2019 | 3

    Emily Fawcett and Charlie Loram of the Old Way look at some of the less obvious benefits of harvesting wild foods as our ancestors did. Read more

    7 great reasons to try bushcraft and camping in winter

    Sean Fagan of Pioneer Bushcraft explores 7 great reasons why being outdoors and camping in winter can be fun, challenging and ultimately educational – and will greatly improve your overall bushcraft and camping skills. Read more

    How to gather, store and eat sweet chestnuts

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 06-Dec-2018 | 14

    It’s that time of year when the delicious smell of roasting chestnuts fills the air. Jessie Watson Brown shares her tips for foraging, cooking and storing sweet chestnuts for year-round use. Read more

    Nettles glorious nettles… foraging tips and delicious recipes

    James Wood of Totally Wild UK | 13-May-2018 | 4

    Wild food author and foraging teacher James Wood explores one of the most common plants – nettles – and shares his wonderful recipes and tips for foraging. Read more

    Edible seaweed season has started, but the British still don’t get them…

    Wild food author and expert Geoff Dann explores the overlooked edible seaweed as a delicious and nutritious addition to the wild food table and shares one of his seasonal recipes. Read more

    It’s a mast year!

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 26-Sep-2017 | 0

    In case you hadn’t noticed… it’s a mast year! Read more

    In praise of the elder tree, and how to make delicious elderberry wine really easily

    Common Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a familiar sight on railway embankments, urban waste ground, and in hedgerows. This small tree thrives in particular in the north and midlands of England, growing rapidly when cut back and giving off a discomforting dusty smell in the process, along with also being very difficult to dig up. Read more

    Do you know which of these wild berries you can eat?

    At Our Edible Landscape, the most recent School of the Wild event, facilitator Milly set us the Wild Berry Challenge, so we’re putting the challenge to you. Identify the berries below, and decide if you’d eat them. Read more

    Autumn foraging season soon – here’s some inspiration

    Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 26-Aug-2015 | 1

    Arriving at the beautiful setting of WOWO, I immediately knew I’d done the right thing ignoring cold-weather challenges to get myself to this workshop. Given the warmest of welcomes, we were invited to form a circle and take a moment to think about what plant we felt like in that moment. We were to bear… Continue reading Autumn foraging season soon – here’s some inspiration Read more

    Recognising wild food plants and getting in touch with your inner ape

    A few summers ago I visited Monkey World, a picturesque Dorset home to mistreated apes and monkeys from across the globe. To my amazement I saw Capuchin monkeys picking blackberries and an Orang-Utan Read more

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