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    Vegetable growing posts

    Fresh Salad Every Day? Growing Microgreens at Home in a Small Space

    Mark Ridall Smith of | 28-Feb-2024 | 2

    Hear from Mark from Vertical Veg about how you can grow a fresh salad at home in small space! Read more

    Are metal raised beds safe for vegetables?

    James Paris of Planters Post | 19-Apr-2023 | 3

    With the growing season, we look at whether or not a metal raised bed is safe for vegetable growing? Read more

    Why gardening is such a great hobby for children

    Why gardening can be a great hobby for children and how you can get started. Read more

    How to ripen your Halloween pumpkins

    Getting your pumpkins ripe and ready for Halloween! Read more

    Designing your garden for extreme heat

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 10-Aug-2022 | 0

    Many perennials, shrubs and trees – particularly newly planted – are going to struggle in the kind of conditions we’re faced with as I write – record high temperatures after months of low rainfall. What can we do to help them? Read more

    How to grow rhubarb

    Rhubarb – one of the easiest, almost indestructable perennial plants. Read more

    Market gardening and working horses: help co-create a new enterprise in Devon

    Ben May of Forest Crafts | 08-Dec-2021 | 0

    Our network members Ben and Lorraine of Forest Crafts are hoping to find one or two people to help them develop a new business involving market gardening, working horses and working alongside volunteers. It’s a great opportunity for the right person / people. Read more

    In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds

    Sally Morgan of Empire Farm | 08-Jul-2021 | 0

    What are those yellow flowers?  Its a common question asked by visitors to the plot at this time of year. The eye-catching flowers that tower above everything else are parsnips.  It’s a shame that more don’t keep their parsnips in the ground overwinter and let them flower. Not only are they attractive plants with their… Continue reading In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 25-Feb-2021 | 0

    In the final instalment of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, it’s time to address the key issues of planning and design, as well as how to make sure it’s sustainable in every way. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 17-Feb-2021 | 1

    We explore the nuts and bolts of how to start a community garden with Ethical.net, this time tackling finding a site and first steps towards sourcing funding. Read more

    How to start a community garden: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 10-Feb-2021 | 0

    With the UK lockdown ongoing, many of us will be dreaming of days when we can once again be out and about and active in our local community. With this in mind, we share a series from Ethical.net exploring how to start a community garden. Read more

    Paid internship opportunity with Vallis Veg for 2021

    Scarlett Penn of WWOOF UK | 25-Nov-2020 | 0

    Our friends at WWOOF UK share news of a 2021 internship opportunity with the fab folks at Vallis Veg in northeast Somerset. Read more

    Sustainable alternatives to garden lawns: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 07-Oct-2020 | 1

    In this second look at sustainable alternatives to garden lawns, we hear from our friends at Ethical.net about growing your own food, keeping the kids happy and more. Read more

    Zero food miles, zero packaging and plenty more: in praise of allotments

    Monday marked the beginning of National Allotments Week 2020, at a time when the number of prospective allotmenteers far exceeds the number of available allotments. So what do allotments have to offer that means so many of us are itching to get our hands dirty? Read more

    Keeping communities growing: how to get involved

    With huge changes demanded by the Covid-19 pandemic, community gardens and growing spaces up and down the country are adapting to new realities. Here’s how you can support and get involved in their work to keep communities growing. Read more

    How and why to grow a food forest in your garden

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 22-Apr-2020 | 2

    With many of us taking steps to grow our own food right now, some for the first time, our friends at Ethical.net set out how and why to grow a food forest in your garden. Read more

    A guide to composting: methods for composting outdoors

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 04-Mar-2020 | 0

    Are you ready to make compost in your back garden? From hot to cold composting and more besides, our friends at Ethical.net share how you can make the most of composting outdoors. Read more

    Small farms, land co-ops and farm housing: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm

    Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm | 23-Feb-2020 | 2

    Today I’m talking with Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm – an Ecological Land Co-op plot – who is going to build his own house on his smallholding. He’s also trading using mutual credit, via the Open Credit Network. Read more

    A guide to composting: methods for composting indoors

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 12-Feb-2020 | 4

    Thought not having a garden meant there was little point in composting? Think again! Having covered the basics of composting in Part 1 of the series, Ethical.net take a look at different ways of composting indoors. Read more

    How to start a small garden in your apartment (Part 2)

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 27-Nov-2019 | 0

    Just what can you grow indoors? Plenty, it turns out. Ethical.net continue their guide to starting a small garden in your apartment. Catch up with Part 1 here. Read more

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