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    Veg box schemes posts

    Small is beautiful, but is it regenerative?

    Can small scale farms be sustainable and regenerative? Read more

    Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England?

    Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England? Actually it’s our veg box scheme. And it’s a bag not a a box. Each week we get a bag full of organic fruit and veg from Sutton Community Farm. If you live in south London, I really recommend them. Lovely… Continue reading Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England? Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 01-Apr-2021 | 0

    Our friends at Ethical.net share what to look for in local food and drink in their guide to farmers’ market shopping, plus how else to access sustainable produce from local producers. Read more

    A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 18-Mar-2021 | 0

    In the second instalment of A beginners’ guide to farmers’ markets, Elizabeth Waddington of Ethical.net explores how to find and what to expect at your local farmers’ market, as well as how to ensure your shop is as affordable as possible. Read more

    Keeping communities growing: how to get involved

    With huge changes demanded by the Covid-19 pandemic, community gardens and growing spaces up and down the country are adapting to new realities. Here’s how you can support and get involved in their work to keep communities growing. Read more

    Small farms, land co-ops and mutual credit: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm, Part 2

    Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm | 08-Mar-2020 | 0

    This is Part 2 of a conversation between Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / the Open Credit Network and Chris Huskins, a smallholder tenant of the Ecological Land Co-operative, starting a veg box scheme in East Sussex, building his own home, and looking to trade via mutual credit. Read more

    Small farms, land co-ops and farm housing: Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm

    Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm | 23-Feb-2020 | 2

    Today I’m talking with Chris Huskins of Fanfield Farm – an Ecological Land Co-op plot – who is going to build his own house on his smallholding. He’s also trading using mutual credit, via the Open Credit Network. Read more

    How to grow the non-corporate food sector: interview with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network (Part 2)

    This is Part 2 of an interview by Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s Part 1, and below is the transcript of the interview, plus the video. Read more

    How the Open Food Network helps local food producers: interview with Lynne Davis (Part 1)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org interviews Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s the transcript of the interview, plus the video (below). Read more

    Job opportunity: VegBox Logistics Coordinator at Sutton Community Farm

    Love veg and love organising things? Sutton Community Farm are on the lookout for a VegBox Logistics Coordinator to cover maternity leave. Over to Alice Brown to tell us more. Read more

    The future of community-supported agriculture: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 2)

    This is part 2 of a conversation with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. In Part 1 we talked about why CSA farms are such a good idea. This time we talk more about Sutton Community Farm and the future of community-supported agriculture within the food industry. Read more

    Why community farms are such a good idea: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 1)

    Today I’m talking with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. I’m interested in looking at how we produce food in the new economy. The current system is a disaster in terms of environment and wealth concentration. Read more

    Job opportunity: fancy delivering veg boxes for Sutton Community Farm?

    Here’s a delivery job with a difference, on offer from Sutton Community Farm in south London. It’s over to them to tell us more. Read more

    Community-supported agriculture vs corporate supermarkets: Maresa Bossano of the UK CSA Network

    We interview Maresa Bossano of the UK Community-Supported Agriculture Network to see how CSA measures up against corporate supermarkets. Read more

    Chagfood community market garden apprenticeships on offer in 2019

    Ed Hamer of Chagfood | 03-Jan-2019 | 0

    Could 2019 be the year you learn how to set up and run a community market garden? Chagfood, a CSA scheme based in Chagford, Devon, is offering two apprenticeship opportunities from April to October. Read more

    How do we grow the community-supported agriculture sector? Maresa Bossano, co-ordinator of the UK CSA Network

    This week we’re talking with Maresa Bossano, who is the co-ordinator for the Community-Supported Agriculture Network in the UK. Read more

    Seeking future farmers for East Sussex: apply to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Cooperative

    The Ecological Land Cooperative opens smallholder applications for future farmers at their East Sussex site, continuing the work of generating ecological farming opportunities and rural enterprise. We hear from Lauren Simpson about how you can apply for this unique opportunity. Read more

    Want better food for all? The Good Food Good Farming march is for you.

    The Landworkers’ Alliance are joining with others to call for an Agriculture Bill that provides access to healthy sustainable food for all. Join them on Sunday 14 October as they head to Westminster for the Good Food Good Farming March. Read more

    A woodland classroom for north London – help OrganicLea make it happen!

    Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 13-Sep-2018 | 0

    OrganicLea are planning a woodland classroom but need your help to make it happen. Craig Bayne tells us more about how you can get involved with this fantastic opportunity to create more space for nature-based learning and food growing skills in north east London. Read more

    Celebrate a bumper harvest at a CSA Open Day this autumn

    We hear from Maresa Bossano about the CSA Open Day events promising fun, friendship and the opportunity to learn about your local community farm this autumn. Read more

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