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    Urban / small space gardening posts

    Low-impact & the city 2: what are urban gardens for?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Aug-2015 | 5

    I Iive with my partner in a terraced house in London, and we have a garden. So we have to work out what we want the garden for. Do we want to use it to impress people, to give it a ‘make-over’, to make it orderly and tidy, or to produce food? We’ve decided that… Continue reading Low-impact & the city 2: what are urban gardens for? Read more

    3 million front gardens have been completely paved since 2005. Let’s try to reverse this trend.

    The RHS 2015 Greening Grey Britain Report reveals that three times as many front gardens are paved over compared to ten years ago, a total increase of 15 square miles of ‘grey’, and that plant cover in front gardens has decreased by as much as 15%.   Read more

    Twirligro small-space vertical gardening

    Iain Findlay of Whirligro | 04-Jan-2013 | 0

    The Twirligro crowd fund (http://www.bloomvc.com/project/The-Whirligro-vertical-food-planter) aims to raise £4000 by January 19th to help fund an initial run of a new product aimed at the burgeoning interest in vertical gardening. Read more

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