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    The 'nature problem' posts

    Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency improvements

    Steve of Stay Grounded | 04-Nov-2021 | 9

    Over the next five weeks we’ll be publishing a range of Stay Grounded factsheets about various kinds of techno-greenwashing provided by the aviation industry. We’d like to help expose the greenwashing of the aviation industry. First up – efficiency improvements: the lie that aviation can become carbon-neutral via ever-greater aircraft efficiency, reducing the need for… Continue reading Stop greenwashing of aviation: 1. efficiency improvements Read more

    The problem with COP26

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 31-Oct-2021 | 10

    The IPCC recently conducted a study into the combined effects of all the agreed targets of the countries taking part in the ongoing COP talks. Tucked away in the report is this: “The available NDCs of all 191 Parties taken together imply a sizable increase in global GHG emissions in 2030 compared to 2010, of… Continue reading The problem with COP26 Read more

    Is it irresponsible or ‘doomism’ to predict societal collapse?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Oct-2021 | 9

    I was introduced to an interesting academic paper recently, in which Professor Jem Bendell explained that his predictions of societal collapse have been criticised by some in academia because they will engender fear, depression and apathy, which will harm our chances of solving environmental problems. Read more

    Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere

    In these days of gloom and confusion it is good to remember that our world is not ONE continuous story where everything inexorably gets worse – or better – but that our world is full of many stories that are unfolding in parallel. This weekend I was uplifted by the moving account of the holy… Continue reading Sacred forests of Ethiopia: how they can be recreated anywhere Read more

    12 reasons why industrial-scale agriculture is driving environmental destruction

    In this article, the LWA’s Horticulture Campaigns Coordinator Rebecca Laughton explains why we have to produce and trade a greater percentage of food locally. Read more

    John Thackara: ‘Strange’ ideas don’t sound so strange in strange times

    John Thackara of Thackara.com | 13-Jun-2021 | 3

    This is part 2 of a conversation with John Thackara. In part 1 we talked about what the future might hold for humanity, and here we talk about what our responses might be. ‘Strange’ ideas might be required for strange times. Read more

    John Thackara: What does the future hold for humanity?

    John Thackara of Thackara.com | 30-May-2021 | 13

    This is part 1 of a conversation with John Thackara – senior fellow of the Royal College of Art, visiting professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, founder and director of the Doors of Perception sustainable design conferences, and author of many books, including How to Thrive in the Next Economy. Read more

    Neonicotinoids and climate change

    Nick Mann of Habitat Aid | 21-Jan-2021 | 3

    With neonicotinoids back in the news this month, Nick Mann of Habitat Aid shares his views on the growing threat they pose in combination with climate change. Read more

    WWF shocking report on wildlife, and why the response will be inadequate

    Brian Czech of CASSE | 20-Sep-2020 | 0

    It’s been a while since wildlife—not just a species here or there but wildlife at large—has been front and center in the news. Usually the biggest environmental news pertains to climate change at the global level, or local pollution problems such as lead in the water pipes. “Biodiversity” gained traction as an issue in the… Continue reading WWF shocking report on wildlife, and why the response will be inadequate Read more

    Reflections on ‘Extinction: The Facts’ by Sir David Attenborough

    Hailed as ‘essential viewing’, ‘painful’ and ‘terrifying’ by viewers, Sophie Paterson shares her reflections on the hard-hitting BBC documentary Extinction: The Facts. Read more

    Can we avoid ecological collapse? Prof. Julia Steinberger

    Can we avoid ecological collapse? This is part 2 of a conversation with Julia Steinberger, professor of ecological economics at the University of Leeds and a member of the intergovernmental panel on climate change – the IPCC. Part 1 is here. Read more

    Biodiversity loss is driven by economic growth: Prof. Julia Steinberger

    Dave Darby talks with Julia Steinberger, professor of ecological economics at the University of Leeds and a member of the IPCC, about her work and the links between biodiversity loss and economic growth. Read more

    The 12 principles of permaculture: a way forward

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 20-May-2020 | 0

    We share a guest post from Ethical.net, in which Elizabeth Waddington sets out the twelve principles of permaculture. There’s plenty more to it than gardening, we promise! Read more

    Could you be a recorder for the Nature’s Calendar project with the Woodland Trust?

    The Woodland Trust share the latest findings from their Nature’s Calendar project and invite you to get involved as one of the thousands of volunteers who make it happen each year. Read more

    Could you help save ancient woodlands as a “threat detector” with the Woodland Trust?

    As the number of UK ancient woodlands threatened by built development tops the 1000 mark, we hear from Ruby Harrison at the Woodland Trust about their volunteer “threat detectors” and how you can join them. Read more

    How invasive non-native species threaten our woods and what we can do to help

    Approximately 2000 non-native plant and animal species have been introduced into the UK, causing irreparable damage and changing landscapes forever. The Woodland Trust looks at how non-native species are invading UK woodlands and what can be done to stop the spread. Read more

    Is Greta Thunberg right, and if so, what do we do about it?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Jan-2020 | 14

    I identify with Greta Thunberg. I’m also aspergic, and I understand why she’s so motivated. I talked with several people over the Christmas period who don’t like her, for various reasons – her voice; her team fly even though she doesn’t; her parents are manipulating her; she’s too angry; she once used a plastic bottle,… Continue reading Is Greta Thunberg right, and if so, what do we do about it? Read more

    Debate: to fly or not to fly; or ‘the plane’s going anyway’

    We’d love to know what you think about this debate, between David, treasurer of Transition Town Tooting, and Dave of Lowimpact.org about whether giving up flying has any effect on climate change. Read more

    We’re on the Extinction Rebellion main stage in central London on Thursday afternoon

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Oct-2019 | 3

    I’m excited to report that we’ve been given an hour on the main stage at Extinction Rebellion in the Mall on Thursday afternoon from 2pm. When I say ‘we’, it will be me and Oliver Sylvester-Bradley of the Open Co-op – we’ll speak for 10 minutes each, then take questions for 40 minutes. We’ll be… Continue reading We’re on the Extinction Rebellion main stage in central London on Thursday afternoon Read more

    Joining the dots of the climate crisis with Matthew Slater

    Community currency engineer Matthew Slater shares his latest thoughts, joining the dots on the current climate crisis and what the near future may hold for human civilisation. Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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