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    The 'democracy problem' posts

    David Fleming’s ‘Lean Logic’ and ‘Surviving the Future’, and why they’re important

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-Sep-2016 | 21

    I attended the launch of two books at Daunt Bookshop in Chelsea on Wednesday evening. David Fleming died in 2010, and now his friend Shaun Chamberlin has edited his magnum opus, Lean Logic, and Chelsea Green have published it. Read more

    Should the NHS be allowed to sack doctors who work for the private sector ‘on the side’?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Sep-2016 | 4

    There was a story on Radio 4 this morning about NHS doctors who work in private healthcare ‘on the side’ now having to declare their income from private work under plans from NHS England to ensure that they’re not short-changing taxpayers. Read more

    Brexit or no Brexit – so-called ‘trade’ deals still threaten our NHS

    Jan Savage of Patients4NHS | 06-Sep-2016 | 0

    If UK campaigners don’t set the terms of our trading relationships, insisting they protect public services and standards, it will be left to Theresa May’s expensive army of corporate lawyers. Read more

    What we’d like to see happen with UK trade deals after the Brexit vote

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 22-Aug-2016 | 0

    Here is a list, agreed by anti-TTIP activists, of what we want / don’t want in any UK trade deals, whether EU or new UK deals. Read more

    Moving forward without the EU: clouds & silver linings

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Jul-2016 | 2

    I think we all have stories about mad conversations we’ve had about Brexit since the referendum (or is it just me?). I was called a racist, for example, for suggesting that the UK is nowhere near the top of the league of ‘most xenophobic countries’, and I’ve been amazed by the vitriol this has stirred… Continue reading Moving forward without the EU: clouds & silver linings Read more

    Why global capital fears Brexit

    Despite its admirable qualities, the authors urge people not to lose sight of the fact that the “the main impetus behind the European Economic Union was the desire of big business to compete with the US” in economic terms. Read more

    The EU referendum from an environmental perspective: are you willing to be challenged?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Jun-2016 | 5

    Almost all of my friends, and people whose opinions I respect, are intending to vote ‘Remain’ on Thursday. Here are the four main reasons I hear: Read more

    Why Alicia Keys giving up makeup is important

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 10-Jun-2016 | 18

    Readers of the Lowimpact blog won’t necessarily know who Alicia Keys is. She’s an American singer / songwriter who has sold over 35 million albums. So very famous, very successful, and right at the heart of the entertainment industry. Read more

    My meeting with EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom and corporate representatives, and the rules they want to impose on us

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 23-May-2016 | 2

    At the end of April, I went to a Trade Commission ‘civil society dialogue’ meeting Brussels in which Trade Commissioner Cecelia Malmstrom was seeking input on how to push forward the WTO globalisation agenda via the mechanism of the EU. Read more

    Re-thinking liberalisation – to counter corporate takeover

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 12-May-2016 | 1

    ‘Liberalisation’ – sounds like a good thing, right – like ‘freedom’? It’s rarely named or explained, but underpins the trade agenda and ‘globalisation’. It allows corporations to become mega-transnationals. Read more

    Ha Joon Chang: ‘increasing corporate power is at the heart of TTIP’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-May-2016 | 0

    Ha Joon Chang, author of 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism and Economics: The User’s Guide explains that TTIP is not about ‘free trade’ – trade is already more-or-less free. TTIP is about helping corporations to sue countries if they dare to do anything – anything at all – that can be shown… Continue reading Ha Joon Chang: ‘increasing corporate power is at the heart of TTIP’ Read more

    Obama says we’ll be ‘at the back of the queue’ for TTIP if we leave the EU; that’s the best argument I’ve heard for Brexit

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-May-2016 | 4

    Trade deals (and in fact, the EU) exist to maximise growth and to orient our economies towards exports. From an environmental perspective, this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. Read more

    Can you think about sending this letter (or something similar) to your MP about TTIP?

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 27-Apr-2016 | 0

    Can you take 10 mins to send this letter, or something very similar, to your MP? People have been asking MPs some of these questions and getting silly answers, which suggests we are hitting a nerve – so we need to keep on hitting it. Read more

    The 6 main approaches to changing the world; which one do you subscribe to?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 23-Apr-2016 | 2

    We received an email recently with these sentences: ‘This idea of those evil corporations is mistaken because we are all involved in society and economy. There is no us and them we are all part of it and need to take responsibility for that.’ Read more

    Public support for TTIP has plummeted in Germany and the US to 17% and 15% respectively

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 22-Apr-2016 | 0

    A report for the Bertelsmann Foundation has shown plummeting support for TTIP in Germany and in the US – down to 17% in Germany and 15% in the US, with 18% of Americans and a full third of Germans saying that it is ‘a bad thing’. Read more

    If the BBC advertises Tesco, why is there a licence fee?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 13-Apr-2016 | 3

    Just listened to a ten-minute advert for Tesco on ‘You and Yours’ on Radio 4, masquerading as news. I have some questions: Read more

    A small key can open a large door: why we should all know what’s happening in Rojava

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Apr-2016 | 3

    I don’t believe that any ethnic group anywhere in the world can truthfully claim that they have never carried out atrocities against another group. Every nation has been victim and perpetrator at some time. Read more

    How the CEOs of Europe’s biggest corporations write EU policy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 09-Apr-2016 | 8

    There’s an organisation based in Brussels called the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT). It’s a club – invitation only, not transparent, not democratic – just a private club. Read more

    Come to the ‘How to do it’ gathering next weekend to talk about system change – full programme and timetable

    Roger Hallam of How to Do It | 31-Mar-2016 | 0

    We blogged in January about the ‘How to do it’ conference about grassroots change that’s happening next weekend in London. There are still places available – book your free ticket here. Read more

    Where does money really come from? (erratum: there is no fractional reserve system in the UK)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-Mar-2016 | 5

    There is a simple conception of the banking system – that banks look after money for savers, and pay them interest. They then loan out that money to other people and charge them a slightly higher rate of interest, and that’s where they make their profit. Read more

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