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    The 'democracy problem' posts

    Could you explain Mercantilism, if you were asked?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 02-May-2014 | 0

    If you were asked, could you describe Mercantilism? I dare say you could have a good go at Capitalism and Feudalism. But Mercantilism? And is it worth finding out? I think it is, because it tells us a lot about the system we live under now Read more

    Can we have multinational corporations and democracy?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Apr-2014 | 0

    Up until this moment in human history, power has always been abused. By ‘power’ I mean ‘the ability to make decisions that affect the direction in which humanity moves’. Ultimate power in other words, rather than local power. Read more

    The battle to save Polish small farms from corporations

    Jadwiga & Julian of ICPPC | 06-Feb-2014 | 0

    This is something we really want to support. Corporate land-grabs, supported by subservient governments, are happening the world over, and it’s a disaster for ecology and democracy. Read more

    Distributism – an idea whose time has come?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Jan-2014 | 5

    Here’s an idea that I’d like to see gain some ground in 2014 – it’s called distributism. It’s a practical rather than a spiritual idea, but really, I think that some sort of distributism has to happen before we can think about developing spiritually as a species. Read more

    Our award for most misleading and mendacious article of 2013 goes to MoneyWeek’s ‘End of Britain’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-Dec-2013 | 0

    You may have seen a sensationalist video called ‘the End of Britain’ that’s been doing the rounds throughout 2013. It’s a flashy, authoritative-looking video, and well it should be, as it’s produced by MoneyWeek Magazine Read more

    This is how ‘development’ works – from a low-impact perspective & as reported in the corporate press

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Dec-2013 | 2

    This is how ‘development’ works. NB: you can substitute any rich country for Germany, and any poor country for Zambia. In the boardroom of a global corporation in Germany, the following conversation takes place: Read more

    Why Owen Paterson is wrong about GM food

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Oct-2013 | 0

    Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, said today that environmentalists who oppose GM food are ‘wicked’. This is why he is wrong. Read more

    Do you think you live in a democracy?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Sep-2013 | 0

    You can’t change anything by voting. Or, as Emma Goldman put it: ‘if voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal’. Politicians can rearrange deckchairs but they can’t steer the ship away from the iceberg Read more

    Every picture tells a story: the elites behind the fracking industry

    NB: for a larger image click here. Let’s get one thing clear, this is not about conspiracy theories. This isn’t about a powerful elite meeting in darkened rooms to fondle their fluffy white cats whilst talking in menacing tones. Read more

    Monstanto 1, Vernon 0 – choose your side and get involved!

    Oliver Swann of Natural Homes | 07-Jun-2013 | 0

    Monsanto, one of three companies that control 53% of the world’s commercial seed market, has sued hundreds of small farmers in the United States in recent years to protect its patents on genetically-engineered seeds. Read more

    The story of money, and how it built an empire

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 18-May-2013 | 0

    Here’s a story. Some of you may know it, but I’m guessing that most people don’t, which is surprising because it has enormous importance for the way we live today, and how our children might live in the future. Read more

    Mrs Thatcher was not ‘evil’ – she did what was necessary for Britain to succeed in a game that is utterly wrong

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Apr-2013 | 0

    On the day of Mrs Thatcher’s funeral she will receive many plaudits and much abuse. I don’t think that there is any merit in rejoicing in the death of a woman who believed that she was doing the right thing Read more

    Can multinational corporations ever be green?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 28-Oct-2012 | 0

    This is my response to a marketing lady I met at the Royal Festival Hall last week, who will remain anonymous (unless you want to reveal yourself). You are very intelligent, and you care – our target audience, in other words. Read more

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