Info, news & debate

The ‘democracy problem’

Watermelons and apples: an open letter to George Monbiot by Eloïse Sentito

Of watermelons and apples: climate breakdown, growth, trade, state and money (an open letter to George Monbiot)

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Dear George, Congratulations on your contribution to the Moral Maze last week – I switched on the radio just as your volley articulating the ideological differentiation between fiscal and legal rationing fairly seared the waves.

Read more about Of watermelons and apples: climate breakdown, growth, trade, state and money (an open letter to George Monbiot)

Is technology the problem?

Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan

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This is a conversation between Dave Darby of and Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan. Dave (K) is opposed to the ‘technocracy’ that he describes as the root cause of environmental destruction and lack of democracy.

Read more about Is technology the problem? Conversation with Dave King of Breaking the Frame and the New Lucas Plan

Herman Daly's Steady State Economics: challenging the corporate banking system

How the corporate banking system transfers wealth from the poor to the wealthy, without anyone noticing

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Herman Daly has been one of my heroes since I read Steady State Economics as a young man. I’m re-posting a blog article of his, originally posted on the website of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) in the US, because it’s a simple description of how it concentrates wealth

Read more about How the corporate banking system transfers wealth from the poor to the wealthy, without anyone noticing

Public intellectual Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things

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Jordan Peterson is provocative, interesting and a formidable opponent in debates and interviews. He doesn’t interrupt, he thinks carefully about people’s points, he doesn’t run away from difficult arguments (or difficult people) and he’s helped a lot of people to rescue their damaged lives.

Read more about Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things

The debate on capitalism in full swing with Transition Town Tooting

Public debate featuring yours truly: is capitalism the best system for a sustainable future?

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If you’re in London on April 18th, there’s a public debate you might be interested in, upstairs in a pub in Tooting. I’ve been asked to put the case against capitalism. There will be initial presentations, rebuttals, questions from the audience, and then a summing up.

Read more about Public debate featuring yours truly: is capitalism the best system for a sustainable future?

The next great transition will be to the Solidarity Economy with a mutual credit exchange system

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I’ve been working in the environmental field for over 20 years, and I believe, like the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, that we’re headed for ‘biological annihilation’, and like the good folk at the Dark Mountain Project, that a crash is coming that we may or may not recover from

Read more about The next great transition will be to the Solidarity Economy with a mutual credit exchange system

Donald Trump - continuing to pursue perpetual economic growth

Democrats, Donald Trump and the dark underbelly of economic growth

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Where is real ‘opposition’ in the West when all major parties support cancerous, perpetual growth? Surely it’s time for major political figures to stand up and say that the quest for perpetual economic growth is the engine behind the destruction of the biosphere, and will eventually kill us unless we stop.

Read more about Democrats, Donald Trump and the dark underbelly of economic growth

‘Investor protection’ in trade deals: why can’t multinational corporations take out insurance rather than have taxpayers underwrite them?

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First some background: the Investor-state Dispute Settlement, or ISDS (new name – Investment Court System, or ICS) is a mechanism whereby corporations can sue governments that introduce legislation that they claim reduces their potential to make profit

Read more about ‘Investor protection’ in trade deals: why can’t multinational corporations take out insurance rather than have taxpayers underwrite them?