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    Straw-bale building posts

    The Big Straw Bale Gathering 2018

    Straw-bale Building UK (SBUK) presents The Big Straw Bale Gathering 2018 with the theme of sowing the inspiration, growing the industry & harvesting the knowledge of all things related to building with straw. Read more

    Car tyre foundations: a low-impact and affordable solution?

    Last month, Lowimpact.org’s Sophie Paterson, a trainee with the School of Natural Building, took a hands-on approach learning how to construct recycled car tyre foundations on a Straw Works course at Holy Trinity Church in Tulse Hill, London. Read more

    Help our off-grid, timber, straw-bale and stone ‘eco-pod’ project happen, then come and stay in it!

    Hi, my name is Cassie. My daughter is called Bea, she’s the bigger girls in the picture there. She absolutely loves horses! I also have a son called David, who is going to be an actor; my husband is called Nigel, and our eldest son is called Ted. Read more

    Free straw-bale building internships starting in September

    Starting on September 7th, I am pleased to offer you the chance to take part in a whole straw bale house build. From foundations to finish plasters and everything in between. Read more

    SBUK – A new voice for strawbale building in the UK

    Advocates of straw bale building in the UK met on Friday 23rd October 2015, at the SPAB offices in Spitalfields, London, to decide a way forward for the industry in the UK. Read more

    How new straw-bale homes could help solve the housing crisis

    In an ordinary street in Bristol, UK, something extraordinary is happening. All of the seven houses are made with straw. Read more

    Psst…. want to buy a straw-bale building – off the back of a lorry?

    This strawbale building is suitable as a demonstrator building, a box office, an information centre, an office, a guest room, a teenage crash pad, a studio etc. and can be located in your garden or near your premises, subject to suitable access. Read more

    Who wants to help resurrect the Straw Bale Building Association?

    Dear all, This is an open invitation to a meeting to discuss the resurrection of the Straw Bale Building Association (For Wales Ireland Scotland England). Read more

    Help Brighton Permaculture Trust build a straw-bale ‘fruit factory’

    Brighton Permaculture Trust are Scaling Up the Scrump – and need your help to make it happen! For several years we’ve been turning waste fruit from local orchards and people’s homes into delicious produce such as jam, chutneys, and juices at pop-up scrumping events. Read more

    We have a huge housing problem, and yet they want to destroy Charlie’s home; you can help

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Jun-2014 | 0

    This blog is about the house that Charlie and Meg built. It’s a straw-bale roundhouse with a reciprocal roof, built in the countryside where they grew up. The exterior can be seen above, the interior below, with Charlie, Meg and sprog in the middle. Read more

    The first two-storey, load-bearing straw-bale house in the UK

    Rachel Shiamh of a Quiet Earth | 30-May-2013 | 4

    Almost twenty years ago I left the life I knew to live on an acre of terraced woodland in Pembrokeshire. A friend helped me to build an 8x12ft shed and I had the beginnings of my own home. In all naivety, I thought I could live on my own land Read more

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