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    Stone building posts

    Scribing wood to stone: how to scribe a wood post to a stone foundation

    Ziggy of The Year of Mud shares a how-to guide for scribing wood to stone, with a project fitting a wooden timber frame on to a stone foundation. Read more

    In praise of the domestic larder: an alternative to the modern fridge

    Once a mainstay of households in times gone by, the humble larder provided a practical storage solution for foodstuffs requiring storage over a longer period of time. Read more

    Help our off-grid, timber, straw-bale and stone ‘eco-pod’ project happen, then come and stay in it!

    Hi, my name is Cassie. My daughter is called Bea, she’s the bigger girls in the picture there. She absolutely loves horses! I also have a son called David, who is going to be an actor; my husband is called Nigel, and our eldest son is called Ted. Read more

    French farmhouse free to the right low-impacter (roofing skills would be a bonus)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Sep-2014 | 3

    We are in contact with an English man who has a French property but will no longer be able to live there. He’s happy to give it away to someone who will turn it into the kind of eco-home / low-impact smallholding that he intended. Read more

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