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    Stargazing posts

    7 great reasons to try bushcraft and camping in winter

    Sean Fagan of Pioneer Bushcraft explores 7 great reasons why being outdoors and camping in winter can be fun, challenging and ultimately educational – and will greatly improve your overall bushcraft and camping skills. Read more

    Stargazers of the world unite: how seeing the Milky Way in a clear, unpolluted sky can change your life

    Having grown up in the industrial West Riding of Yorkshire, I was 22 when I first saw the Milky Way. It wasn’t my fault; there was too much light pollution. In places such as this, you may think that on a moonless and cloudless night you can see the stars Read more

    Fermi’s paradox: does the lack of contact from extraterrestrials have implications for human survival?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 22-Jun-2015 | 1

    “Where is everybody?” Enrico Fermi is supposed to have asked in 1950 of his colleagues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Working from first principles, Fermi calculated that extraterrestrials should have visited the Earth long ago, and many times over Read more

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