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    Solar hot water posts

    How to get 500 hot showers from your compost heap!

    I guess most people wonder what showers and compost have to do with each other, being showered with compost is probably not anyone’s idea of being cleaned. However there is a perfectly valid connection and it’s one we have been exploiting now for four years and to good effect. Read more

    Water and space heating from photovoltaics (or wind) using a grid diverter

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 16-May-2016 | 12

    This is an idea that allows you to heat water via solar electric panels instead of exporting surplus electricity to the National Grid. This makes sense because it then means that you can do the work yourself instead of hiring an (expensive) accredited installer – plus you can use second-hand gear. Read more

    No roof space? Build a solar pergola; you can visit this home to see how they did it

    Gordon Glass of SuperHomes | 13-Aug-2015 | 1

    Visit the Home with the Solar Pergola. Ever since completing an A-level Physics project in upper school Neil Kennedy dreamed of creating an eco-home. In 2008 major renovations began on the Tring property that he and his wife and three children call home. Read more

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