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    Solar electricity posts

    Self-build solar lighting for Africa

    Norman is our tutor for our build your own solar pv panel course, running in March, May and September next year. He’s developed a way of building small solar electric panels from the scrap from the photovoltaics industry Read more

    Norfolk Solar’s van is powered by the sun

    Lee Rose of Solar Hot Water | 05-Oct-2012 | 10

    Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a person whose private life is smothered by my work. I work in the renewable energy industry – more specifically, I’m a solar energy specialist. Read more

    You can be part owner of a large solar power plant

    Westmill solar park is located near to Watchfield, on the Wiltshire/Oxfordshire border, just off the A420. The site is operating successfully and consists of 30 acres of over 20,000 solar panels. Read more

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