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Love in action at the Findhorn intentional community

Life in an intentional community – a healthier and more sustainable way to live

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If I hadn’t fired up my vision to form and live in an intentional community some 45 years ago I wouldn’t have learnt cheese making, selected and planted an orchard of rare species of fruit trees, co-organized arts festivals, learnt and practiced conflict resolution and given my three sons an opportunity to broaden their horizons.

Read more about Life in an intentional community – a healthier and more sustainable way to live

Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

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Having been WWOOF hosts for over 10 years we have decided to expand what we offer to provide a more focused and valuable experience. The Pentiddy Woods Internship is an opportunity to join our family for 9 months living off-grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding.

Read more about Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same

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I recently interviewed Dhara Thompson of the Sailboat Project for our new sailboats topic introduction. He told me that they are one of many new organisations that are working to bring back sailboats for cargo and passenger transport – using the power of the wind to move people and goods around the planet.

Read more about How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same

Does the sustainability of meat production depend on the size of a holding and the number of animals kept on it?

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I want to investigate at what size meat production becomes unsustainable (in terms of acreage, number of animals etc.) – i.e. whether it can be sustainable at all, and if so, whether there’s an upper limit, above which it can’t be sustainable

Read more about Does the sustainability of meat production depend on the size of a holding and the number of animals kept on it?