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Small is beautiful

Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 2: how should we respond to the collapse of capitalism?

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This is the second part of a conversation between Dave Darby of and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse.

Read more about Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 2: how should we respond to the collapse of capitalism?

Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 1: is industrial capitalism coming to an end?

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This is the first part of a conversation between Dave Darby of and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse.

Read more about Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 1: is industrial capitalism coming to an end?

Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

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Building the commons may be hard in wealthier countries, where traditions of mutual aid were lost many years ago. But they’re still alive and well in other parts of the world – as this article by Janet of Grassroots Economics / Sarafu Network shows. I interviewed the director of Grassroots Economics, Shaila Agha, who told me about ‘chamas’ in Kenya – mutual savings groups, built on trusted relationships in local communities.

Read more about Regenerative traditions in Africa: inspiration for the commons everywhere

George Monbiot and friends are wrong: techno-utopianism won’t save us

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George Monbiot has joined a campaign called ‘Reboot Food’, working with techno-utopians who would like to see governments remove support for organic food and deregulate the GM industry, as well as producing bacteria-based food in giant factories (‘precision-fermentation’), and getting rid of smallholdings.

Read more about George Monbiot and friends are wrong: techno-utopianism won’t save us

A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

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This is Part 2 of an interview with Tom Woodroof, who made the move from the world of nuclear physics to the world of mutual credit and monetary change. I’m going to find out more about his work, and how it can contribute to (quite revolutionary) change.

Read more about A range of new monetary tools for a completely new economy: Tom Woodroof of Mutual Credit Services, Part 2

New owner sought for low-impact pub and glamping site in rural Suffolk

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Aldegarden is a wonderful site in Suffolk, with accommodation, a community pub, and a ‘glamping’ site with yurts, timber structures, a cob roundhouse, gypsy caravan and a converted barn, communal areas, solar hot water and electricity and compost loos. They’ve been in our directory for years. But now they’re looking for new owners for the property and successful businesses.

Read more about New owner sought for low-impact pub and glamping site in rural Suffolk

Cooperative democratic social care

Co-operative social care with sociocracy and mutual credit: Emma Back of the Equal Care Co-op

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There are some very interesting aspects to the Equal Care Co-op, including ‘Teams’, sociocratic decision-making and an internal payments system that could be described as a cross between mutual credit, timebanking, tokenising, and recognition of informal labour, including emotional labour and care work.

Read more about Co-operative social care with sociocracy and mutual credit: Emma Back of the Equal Care Co-op

How the state favours big business and causes inflation with ‘Quantitative Sleazing’

A new essay on the economics of the pandemic suggests that the recent inflation is a sign that that failure is accelerating towards us. It’s an important reminder for us to ask ourselves how ready we are to both cope and help others in a crumbling economy.

Read more about How the state favours big business and causes inflation with ‘Quantitative Sleazing’