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Small is beautiful

Friends in high places: billionaire-free, collapse-proof communications with LoRa and Meshtastic

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Building and strengthening networks is crucial to improving our resilience to the changes and social upheaval heading our way. Our social networks buffer us against possible insults to our circumstances. Everything that improves our connections increases our resilience.

Read more about Friends in high places: billionaire-free, collapse-proof communications with LoRa and Meshtastic

Busted flush: why the big water corporations have to go

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The catastrophic problems of privatised English water companies are well known. Sewerage function and drinking water supply are now more deficient than even before privatisation. Terminal failure was in-built from the start, within the cultural, operational, & regulatory processes applied. Correcting these foundational criteria can help inform the quickest resolution.

Read more about Busted flush: why the big water corporations have to go

More on the money problem: it doesn’t have to be ‘scarce’

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Following on from a recent post by Tom Greco, on the essential nature of money, Dil Green of and Mutual Credit Services here talks about its apparent scarcity, how that negatively affects our communities and our well-being, and how it could be different – based on mutual credit and the commons economy.

Read more about More on the money problem: it doesn’t have to be ‘scarce’

Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy

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This is the latest in a series of articles documenting our group’s attempts to build the commons economy in Stroud, in a way that can be implemented in other towns, and connected together to build the foundations of a new, commons economy. It covers what we’ve done so far, and how people can get involved.

Read more about Stroud Commons 5: forming a ‘commoners’ group for each sector of the economy

Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 2: how should we respond to the collapse of capitalism?

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This is the second part of a conversation between Dave Darby of and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse.

Read more about Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 2: how should we respond to the collapse of capitalism?

Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 1: is industrial capitalism coming to an end?

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This is the first part of a conversation between Dave Darby of and Jem Bendell, professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria, and author of the now famous 2018 Deep Adaptation paper that claimed that we’re on an inevitable path to civilisational collapse.

Read more about Conversation with Jem Bendell, part 1: is industrial capitalism coming to an end?