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    Skins & hides posts

    Out of Eden: how you can get involved in a neolithic farm experiment in Wales

    Dr Kevin Blockley shares how the Out of Eden project is creating a unique educational experience that immerses us in the hunter gathering world of our ancestors and our first experiments in farming. Read more

    Tales of a winter working in a traditional tannery in Norway

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 02-Apr-2019 | 2

    Jessie Watson Brown, a UK traditional tanner, shares some of her experiences and learnings from a winter at Jutulskinn, a traditional tannery in Norway. Read more

    Is leather tanning ethical?

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 17-Oct-2017 | 0

    Traditional hide tanner, Jessie Watson Brown, offers her thoughts on the ethics of leather tanning, from large-scale industrial tanning, to home-scale natural tanning. Read more

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