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    Self-employment posts

    Cycle lanes bring more revenue to local businesses than car parking spaces – so why do so many businesses think they don’t?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Oct-2015 | 1

    Here’s the story – Enfield borough has received £30 million in funding from Transport for London to install dedicated cycle lanes on some of its main roads, removing on-street parking, adding zebra crossings and trees. Read more

    How much should a loaf of bread cost?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Oct-2015 | 10

    You can now get white sliced bread in supermarkets for around 50p a loaf; or you can get hand-baked, organic loaves from independent bakers for around £3.50. We can also bake our own bread. What’s the best option, do you think? Read more

    Career change: how I left software development to become a natural builder

    When I was young I wanted to do a lot of different things, but the core ambition was always to do something that would help our environment, not make it worse. Read more

    Suggested campaign to remove unnecessary regulations from independent businesses

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Aug-2015 | 14

    Three things have happened to me recently that have made me realise that local, independent and/or community-owned businesses have been put at a huge disadvantage as regards regulations that cover their activities, and the independent sector is being unnecessarily penalised for the damaging activities of the corporate sector. Read more

    If you’re not exactly ‘time-rich’, here’s how you can change society with your money as well as your actions

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jul-2015 | 0

    Since Lowimpact began as LILI in 2001, we’ve offered a constantly increasing bank of information, courses, products, services, books, magazines, links, videos and advice for people wanting to change their lives – to live in a more sustainable and less corporate way. Read more

    What low-impacters are up to around the country: Greystoke Cycle Cafe

    Proper seasonal tea garden cafés (i.e. just with a tea garden facility and no indoor space as a cosy backup) are few and far between in this country – especially in the north (thanks largely to the weather) Read more

    What low-impacters are up to around the country: Meadow Forge

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Aug-2014 | 0

    Nestled in, part way down the side of a beautiful valley in Devon, is probably the most interesting, bonkers, chaotic and inspiring workshop I’ve ever been in. Housed inside what was once an open cow shed, this is where long-standing network member, Dean Aggett, Read more

    Campaign to develop the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Network in the UK

    Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and the local community, in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared. Benefits are enjoyed by both sides Read more

    The battle to save Polish small farms from corporations

    Jadwiga & Julian of ICPPC | 06-Feb-2014 | 0

    This is something we really want to support. Corporate land-grabs, supported by subservient governments, are happening the world over, and it’s a disaster for ecology and democracy. Read more

    Distributism – an idea whose time has come?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Jan-2014 | 5

    Here’s an idea that I’d like to see gain some ground in 2014 – it’s called distributism. It’s a practical rather than a spiritual idea, but really, I think that some sort of distributism has to happen before we can think about developing spiritually as a species. Read more

    So, is having a smallholding like being in prison?!

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Sep-2012 | 0

    Here’s the story. The Ecological Land Co-op are trying to start a little cluster of smallholdings with eco-dwellings on the Devon/Somerset border. We support this venture wholeheartedly Read more

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