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    Seed saving posts

    Rebuilding the flax / textile industry as a commons: Fantasy Fibre Mill

    Dave Darby of Stroud Commons and Lowimpact.org talks with Rosie Bristow and Nick Evans of Fantasy Fibre Mill, working to resurrect the flax / linen industry in the UK, as a commons. Read more

    25 dirt-cheap ways to garden organically and save money

    Far from being an expensive or exclusive hobby, organic gardening is a brilliant way to buffer the cost-of-living crisis, allowing you to grow fresh, cheap and abundant food close to home, while at the same time nurturing nature. Read more

    In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds

    Sally Morgan of Empire Farm | 08-Jul-2021 | 0

    What are those yellow flowers?  Its a common question asked by visitors to the plot at this time of year. The eye-catching flowers that tower above everything else are parsnips.  It’s a shame that more don’t keep their parsnips in the ground overwinter and let them flower. Not only are they attractive plants with their… Continue reading In praise of parsnip flowers and seeds Read more

    CSA Network UK AGM and inspiring photography exhibition – all in a day!

    If you’re in London on 16th October, don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to celebrate community supported agriculture at the CSA Network UK AGM and be inspired by the Feed the World photography exhibition. Read more

    How to grow your own woad: from seed to harvest

    A natural dye you can harvest from the garden, textile artist Teresinha Roberts of Wild Colours explains how to grow your very own ‘indigo’ woad plant. Read more

    Should we be reliant on cheap foreign labour to work on our farms, or is there a better way to feed ourselves?

    Recently The Guardian ran an article by John Harris called “They say after Brexit there’ll be food rotting in the fields. It’s already started.” To summarise, John is saying Brexit has made the UK look an unfriendly place to our European neighbours and with the increasing financial fortunes of eastern European nations, farm workers are… Continue reading Should we be reliant on cheap foreign labour to work on our farms, or is there a better way to feed ourselves? Read more

    Fruit & vegetable growing guide for August

    August with a little luck brings us the best of the summer weather but being the traditional holiday month it can be hard to keep on top of the vegetable plot growing with a fortnight away, even if a neighbour can be persuaded to water as required. Read more

    Seed saving: a great idea, and now’s the time to start thinking about it

    One of the pleasures of autumn is gathering seeds. It’s a hopeful optimistic act that conjures up thoughts of the next spring, and by and large it’s pretty simple act. Read more

    The Great Seed Festival: let’s prevent the corporate takeover of our seeds

    Our entire lives depend on seed. Almost all of the food we eat starts out as a seed – from the vegetables, fruits and roots we grow, to the bread we bake, the milk we make and even our meat, which comes primarily from animals that live on food grown from seed. Read more

    The European Commission wants to stop us saving seeds

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 03-May-2013 | 0

    Dear friends, How many times have we asked you to write to your MP, European or otherwise? Never, that’s how many. So this is a first. It’s a plea to take 5 minutes out of your bank holiday weekend Read more

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