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    Sail boats posts

    How I hitch-hiked across the Atlantic to visit US co-ops: Cath Muller of Radical Routes

    Cath Muller of Radical Routes | 10-Feb-2019 | 0

    Today I’m talking with Cath Muller of Radical Routes, Cornerstone Housing Co-op and Co-operative Business Consultants. This is part 1 of our conversation, about her visit to Catalan co-operatives, and hitch-hiking across the Atlantic to visit US co-ops. Read more

    How we got olive oil from a small farm in Portugal brought over in a sailboat by a co-operative based in Brighton – and how you can do the same

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jan-2018 | 19

    I recently interviewed Dhara Thompson of the Sailboat Project for our new sailboats topic introduction. He told me that they are one of many new organisations that are working to bring back sailboats for cargo and passenger transport – using the power of the wind to move people and goods around the planet. Read more

    How about joining the ‘sea gypsies’?

    Zeyang of Sailing the Farm | 15-Apr-2014 | 0

    The Sea Gypsies at ‘Sailing the Farm’ have been posting about their exploits on our forum for years. We wondered if you’d like to learn about them, and maybe even think about joining them. Sounds like an excellent way to escape the rat-race Read more

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